What The Heck Is Fracking

What The Heck Is Fracking
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You’ve probably heard about “fracking” – very strange name I know! It’s actually a nickname for hydraulic fracturing, which is a method used to extract natural gas from deep down in the Earth. To get down there, the drills have to burrow through very hard shale rock and to to make this easier, this deep drilling (AKA fracking) creates tiny explosions to shatter and crack the rock.

Okay, so far it doesn’t sound too distressing, right? However, there is a ton of controversy, and you may have heard hard-core enviros getting in a sweat over it. Why?

Number one: There is some pretty substantial evidence to suggest that these small explosions can trigger earthquakes. Uh oh – not good!

Number two: Much of the water used in fracking is collected from the well and processed, but there are concerns that potentially carcinogenic chemicals can sometimes escape and find their way into drinking water sources. Some American householders also claim that shale gas leaking into their drinking supply causes tap water to ignite – really not good!

It takes place in 28 states across the Nation and is currently unregulated by the EPA.

So, why do the gas companies continue to “frack’ when these major concerns have arisen? It boosts overall gas supplies, thereby bringing down the market cost.

What’s the alternative? The alternative is to boost clean energy technology. If we stop leaning so heavily on fossil fuels, we will have t eo start creating more clean energy job in the US.

What can we do about it if we want to protect our water? We can go to Food & Water Watch and take a few seconds to sign their petition. Remember, you voice, your signature makes a difference.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

