Time To Grow!

Time To Grow!
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Now is the perfect time to whip out your gardening gloves and think about what you love to eat. Most everyone can grow some food this year, even if it’s a few herbs and cherry tomatoes on your windowsill. It makes sense because herbs from the store can be really expensive, especially as for each recipe you only need a few springs, and the rest goes to waste.

Here are some ideas to help you on your way:

Vertical Wall Garden:

This is a great way to make the most of small spaces. It’s ideal for herbs and even cherry tomatoes.

Earth Box: I couldn’t live without my Earth Boxes. They are a genius design whereby you conserve water and can grow the most amazing produce. I grow tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplant every year in my 3 boxes.

Earth Box Mini Garden: This is again ideal if you are space-challenged and perhaps just have a small deck, balcony or patio. I always grow parsley, basil and thyme in my mini Earth box vertical garden.

Window Box: You can also find a simple garden box and plant one with lettuce, basil, arugula and parsley – all really easy to grow in the summer. Just make sure that the box gets plenty of sun.

Seed Ball: I love Seed Ballz for beginner gardeners! All the need is a planter or any of the boxes above. Fill it with organic potting soil, push in a couple of the balls of your choice, water and watch your plants grow.

If you want to save a bunch of money and do it the old fashioned way, simply use an old plastic container (like a large yogurt container), punch drainage holes in the bottom and fill with potting soil. Buy some seeds that grow really easily like basil or arugula. Place the pot in a sunny spot and remember to water everyday.

If you want to get more involved with gardening, but you live in a city, why not join a community garden? You can visit the Community Garden website, type in your zip code and find out if there is one near you. You could also go to Local Harvest and type in your zipcode for find where your nearest community farm or CSA (community supported agriculture) farm is. If you want to try you hand at growing veggies, but haven’t got a clue how, you could join one a farm’s volunteer program where you get free food for the hours you put in.

Whether you grow a couple of herbs in a pretty window box or get your hands dirty on a farm, commit to growing at least some of your food this year. It not only saves money, but it’s truly satisfying and helps to keep us connected to our food source each and every day. Happy growing!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

