Sad Porn!

Sad Porn!
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I had a 22yr old lover a couple of years back and let’s just say I’m old enough to be his mother… Oh Ladies, try it, just try it – he rocked my world!! Obviously you have to get a good one, this one had a Scottish accent pursued me relentlessly, made me laugh and would not take no for an answer – the confidence was impressive! Mind you it’d also been a dry couple of years and my Gina had cobwebs, so I was even more of a pushover than normal.

I can’t tell you the shock that awaited me between the sheets, I’ll give him his due he had mad skills, the kid could actually make me ejaculate for goodness sake. BUT he couldn’t kiss for toffee! Now we’re not talking about a virgin here, he’d had over 30 lovers. Yet it took me two days just to get him to kiss decently and over a week to get him to touch me softly – he reacted like a blissful cat being stroked whenever I traced my fingers over his skin, because it turned out that no-one had ever touched him lovingly!

What the f*** is that?

It’s PORN!

Did you know 9 out of 10 teenagers are learning how to have sex from Internet porn these days?  And that final 1 out of 10 is either lying or has super vigilant parents, because let’s not kid ourselves they’ve all seen it! They’re curious about what their bodies can do; Sex Education is crap they’re not going to get any real or useful answers there so of course they’re going to look for it on the web. I don’t blame them and I’m not anti-porn per se, but the consequences are going to more far reaching than I think people realize.

We’re looking at the next generations not knowing what INTIMACY is.

Not knowing how to CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER.

Oh they can shag you like a porn star in 30 different positions, but they can’t touch, or kiss!

That’s bloody awful!

So what can we do about it? Porn isn’t going away and Sex Education is never going to change fast enough. Personally I’m going to take my show ‘Dick & Gina’ into as many Colleges as I can and give Q&A’s afterwards to give them some truthful information.

Cindy Gallop and her team have come up with where you can watch videos of real couples making love to each other the way it happens in real life – a brilliant idea for those that really need to watch something!

And everyone else? It’s time to get over yourselves and get comfortable talking about sex, answer your kids questions honestly and get rid of the stupid embarrassment once and for all!

Britain’s ‘Sex Education Show’ did a survey a while back that concluded when teenagers feel confident they have truthful information about sex:

They feel secure enough not to succumb to peer pressure.

They hold off experimenting sexually

They lose their virginity later in life by choice, not out of curiosity.

So it’s time to start talking people, it will help your kids future relationships!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

