8 Energy-boosting tips that work!

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Most of us are run-ragged with our increasingly fast-paced lives. This is why it’s so important for me to find super powerful ways to not only boost my energy, but to maintain it throughout the day. Here’s how I do it:

meditation1. Meditate: Even if I only get 10 minutes in when I wake up, giving my brain a little rest and my mind a little clarity, always serves to sustain my energy levels throughout the day. Don’t know exactly why, but I’m not so manic. As I move through the day, I can pause when agitated and recall that peaceful feeling that I held earlier in the day – thus I’m reminded to breath and let go.

2. Hydrate: Dehydration slows us down and can cause headaches and fatigue.  When we are evenyoung woman drinking with waterglass mildly dehydrated, our bodies draw on their internal resources to stay hydrated, which drains our energy. Remember, you need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

3. Good Caffeine: Nothing wrong with a bit of caffeine, however, if your drinks are filled with sugar and additives, you will crash and burn! Coffee can also burn out your adrenal glands, which leads to extreme fatigue. I choose green tea to drink throughout the day because it keeps my energy levels steady and delivers a potent dose of antioxidants.

4. Sugar low: My worst enemy is to eat too much sugar. When I eat a sugary drink or snack, by blood sugar spikes and then crashes so badly – not to mention piling on the pounds. I avoid refined sugar like the plague.

natural_calm5. Marvelous Magnesium: People with low magnesium levels tend to use up more energy than those with adequate levels. Many of us are low in Magnesium because it’s deficient in much of the soil in which are food is grown. I have a Natural Calm tea every night, which also helps me sleep well.

6. Superfoods sustain: Because they are so dense nutritionally, superfoods can deliver an energy boost just when it’s needed. I load up my superfoodssmoothie every morning with superfoods such as: Maca, chia, cacao powder, coconut oil, goji berries, Reishi mushroom, and powdered greens. If I have an afternoon dip, instead of reaching for a sugary drink or snack, I whip up another smoothie.

Savasana7. Corpse Pose: A simple way to regenerate your entire system is to close the office door, and lie down in Corpse pose or Savasana. Just 5 minutes of releasing every muscle into the Earth, stilling your mind, and deepening your breath, can keep you firing on full throttle for another few hours when you thought you were done!

8. Gratitude List: It might sound silly, but when I am depleted, it affects my mind  – I feel depressed. The most effective way for me to lift myself out of a low-energy funk is to whip out a piece of paper and write out a quick gratitude list – it ALWAYS works.

If you are perpetually tired and very low in energy, it could be because there is an underlying medical condition. Before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I couldn’t understand why I was totally whacked at 9pm – when my hormone levels got adjusted, I felt so much better. So it you feel like your energy dips below ground zero at a certain point in the day, get your thyroid levels checked.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

