5 Natural Headache Relief

Natural Headache Relief
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I occasionally suffer from headaches – random headaches that are often caused by tension in my neck, shoulders and jaw. Here are 5 natural and easy headache relievers that help me not to reach for the ibuprofen bottle, which comes with a lot of health risks and side effects. I love to try to go natural whenever I can, and these 5 remedies almost always work for me.

becalmballs1. Be Calm Balls are magical. They were recommended to me by a brilliant physical therapist, and I’ve never looked back. They were designed by craniosacral therapists, and when placed underneath your head, bring your entire body back to it’s “still point” – which for me is where my body naturally should be, and totally IS NOT after sitting for hours at a computer.

2.Pain-relieving tea: I have been mixing herbs for medicinal teas for years. The most soothing cfbd2__Lemon-Balmtea for headaches for me is to steep equal parts of lemon balm and Linden – you can find both these dried herbs here. Steep the herbs for about 5 minutes, strain and enjoy the smooth, comforting taste.

headache-women-dt_3378619-23. Essential oils of Peppermint, Lavender and Eucalyptus are my go-to oils for headaches. You can add 5 drops of each to a tsp of any vegetable oil and rub the blend on your temples. Alternatively, you can make a steam inhalation by adding 10 drops of each to a large bowl of water that is just off the boil – cover it with a towel and when ready, poke your nose in through a gap in the towel and inhale slowly up to 10 times.

4. Helpful Herbs: If you suffer from Migraines, you might want to consider taking a Feverfew supplement daily because studies show that this herb reduces blood vessel constriction and dilation, which can be part of the cause of Migraine headaches. The suggested dosage is 250-500 mcg daily.

5.Cold and Hot Compress: If your headache is caused by jaw tension (TMJ), neck or severe shoulder tension, it’s likely that you may have some inflammation going on. The best way to deal with this is to alternate between a hot and cold compress. The hot compress (a heated buckwheat pillow) will soften and release the muscles, and the cold compress (frozen peas) will constrict blood flow, and help with inflammation.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

