10 Symptoms That Your Body May Be Acidic

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When the pH of our body gets out of balance, things will not be so well in the health department – trust me! How do you know if things are sliding down the wrong end of the pH scale? Well, if you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, it might be time to take a look at your diet because diet is the key to bringing your body back into the right acid/alkaline balance. Here are the 10 Symptoms That Your Body May Be Acidic:

  1. Lack of energy/drive
  2. Feeling cold – particularly your hands and feet
  3. Headaches and muscle/joint pain
  4. Eye inflammation and conjunctivitis
  5. Inflamed gums
  6. Sensitive Teeth (to hot and cold)
  7. Gastritis or stomach pain
  8. Dull and thinning hair
  9. Dry Skin
  10. Mouth Ulcers

Obviously these symptoms could be attributed to other health issues, too, but I always advise you to go with your gut (literally!). Listen to your body – it will tell you if something is not right. And if you are used to eating a SAD diet (Standard American Diet) filled with meat and processed food, you’ll likely be feeling it.

Take a look at this food chart, so see which foods you might need to be avoiding.



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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

