Women Want Authenticity

Women Want Authenticity
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There’s a smell of reunion in the air. The women want their men back and I have a foolish and lyrical notion that we can be the pied-pipers, leading the men back to the women, re-awakening the maleness and leadership again but this time through their compassion and service, not their control and dominion.

Over the last 100 or more years women have understandably lost their trust in men in general. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. The abuses of male, fragile-ego’d, self-seeking, solely cock-driven, permanent adolescents has rendered the planet raped and abused on nearly every level you can imagine. The air is polluted, the water is poisoned, the soil is all but dead, the climate haphazardly volatile, the animals violently killed with no respect or stewardship, the children uneducated, and the women over-masculinising like mad to compensate for the essence of maleness that’s so badly lacking in the last two (at least) generations of profit and status addicted men.

Is it any wonder the women have lost trust in the men’s expression of their core male values?

What excites me is that over the last 50 years there has been a radical shift in the Yin side of maleness. There have been a whole new wave of softer men, relating to their wives and lovers more, connecting more presently with their kids and attending all kinds of deepening workshops. This has awakened the vital feminine-in-the-male quality but has only brought us so far. It is a long way from the re-emergence of the powerful, steadfast male that the planet and the human species so badly needs today.

Cultivating the feminine qualities in the modern man is just a stepping stone to a deeper re-awakening, and that’s the Male in the Male.

My recent conversations and sessions with numerous women have left me in no doubt that the women want their men back in their Maleness. Strong, steadfast and true. Unswayed by the grasping, needy, untrustworthy values that have been driving them in this last, incredibly-limited century.  It may sound radical to say this but there has emerged a masculine edge in the women that has crept in in the last 50 years. An edge which has been born of a lack of trust in the Males to deliver leadership and protection through service and wisdom. There seems to be a huge yearning among these women to relax more into their feminine selves, melt and soften and be, exploded into infinite possibilities by their men. But to trust that when they melt the man will be a clear and strong container for that melting feels like too big an expectation for them to have these days. The kind of man I speak of can hold his woman in her all diverse and changeable forms. He is a Heart Mountain. So I’ve purposely experimented with women recently and as I’ve held the masculine core, strong and present for them, just for twenty focused minutes, to represent and embody pure, steadfast maleness – the visible permission that 20 minutes gives the women to feminise is vividly noticeable within moments. She softens. She opens, She glows, She sometimes sobs with relief and the uncomfortable maleness she was holding up melts just a little. Could it be that the conscious women of the planet are hungry and eager for the men to step into this trustworthy, loyal, devoted, dependable space? Are the men ready for this?

I say YES. We are!

So we’re now on a mission to beckon and invite the men to step back into their strength and power, but this time renewed in constant, reliable, unfaltering attendance to their true principles of authentic support, leadership through service and humble devotion to the women.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

