Trust Your Gut

Trust Your Gut
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“I should have trusted that gut feeling I had!” How many times have you said that, or has someone said it to you? I’ve always believed that mistakes can be good because we learn so much from them, however, the worst mistakes can be avoided  by trusting our that gut feeling – AKA “following your instincts.” I also think of it as trusting that voice within, call it what you will – Soul, the Great Spirit, Higher Power, Higher Self – whatever we name it, it resides deep within every single one of us.

When I listen to that “gut-feeling,” I’m never led astray, so why do I not listen to it all the time? Probably for a number of reasons: I’m in a hurry (#1 reason,) I feel pressured, I’m trying to please someone/not rock the boat/ I’m making a decision based in fear not love – these are just some of the pitfalls that make the noise in my head too loud to hear that “still small voice within.”

I love this quote by the late John O’Donahue:

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.” – John O’Donahue

It’s so beautiful because it tells us that our “soul” knows our destiny and therefore we can trust what it’s telling us. Perhaps the most important thing I can learn to do is not to react quickly to things – to go with a knee-jerk reaction. If I can just step back for even a minute and check in with my “soul,” I can be guided. I don’t need to go on a meditation retreat to hear this voice either. Even in the chaos of a day, I can find that little place of stillness. It’s rather like going deep within to the eye of the storm, which is completely still, and then listening to what my body is saying. It’s so apt that it’s called a “gut” feeling, because when I find that nano-second of stillness, take a breath and acknowledge how my gut feels, the kindest answer comes.

I believe its the same with eating. If I can slow down enough to become a “conscious” eater, I will always choose the right foods for my body. This is one of the main reasons why I don’t think most diets work – they are too rigid. Instead of following diet guidelines, it’s way more important that we listen to what our bodies need (my book “The Gorgeously Green Diet” should really have been called a “live-it” as it’s about celebrating rather than denying the foods you love.) For years I was a rigid vegetarian and then I become really anemic. Even though I was taking all kinds of supplements, my body started craving the kinds of nutrients that can only be found in meat. I had to pocket my ethics and go with what my body was asking for and by eating a little meat (the best humanely-reared/organic I could find,) I felt 100% better.

I’ve tried to teach my daughter to listen to her body regarding food and she really gets it. I allow her to eat pretty much whatever she wants, because if I don’t at home, she’ll stuff herself with these “forbidden” foods elsewhere. I have, however, taught her to slow down after eating junky food and see how she feels, which is never good. Conversely I ask her how she feels after eating a nourishing organic meal and albeit reluctantly (because she’ll never admit that mom’s right,) she says she feels pretty good – or she runs off with massive energy to something very creative. She often comes home from a party craving “growing food,” which makes me smile.

When I was pregnant, I trusted my instincts as never before. That lioness within me raised her head and demanded nothing but the best for my unborn child. I ate beautiful foods and treated myself with kid gloves. It was when I was pregnant, that I started to think about the environment differently and the seeds for my first book, Gorgeously Green, were sown. I’m glad I followed my soul.

Tonight my body’s craving protein. I’ve been super-active and I’m really hungry. I can see my husband outside, about to shovel a stunning piece of wild salmon onto the grill. I only ever buy wild salmon at this time of year when it’s in season, and thus affordable and fresh – what a treat. I’ll then eat a few squares of dark chocolate (pecan & almond from Trader Joe’s,) as my sweet taste buds need to be honored just as much as my soul!

3 thoughts on “Trust Your Gut”

  1. shellie r. pitzer

    What a great burst of joy in this article. I have learned to listen that still small voice, which I believe is the Holy Ghost. I never trusted myself and always bucked this Gut feeling thing. Not now!!! If we try to find the peace in our souls and hear Him speak to us in those moments of quiet, He will speak to us also in the chaos. We just need to listen. Build this skill and everything else will fall into place. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!!

  2. shellie, I also believe it is the Holy Ghost. It is the only thing that can bring the peace to our mind and souls. The devotional book “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young is a great start to hearing Him speak to us.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

