Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana illustrated
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Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, is the most delicious pose as it provides a deep overall stretch and leaves one feeling invigorated and ready for the day.

You must practice this pose on a sticky mat as foot-slipping could lead to injury.

I suggest you print out this page and keep it in your hand, reading the directions out loud as you first perform the pose SLOWLY.

If you are new to the pose, keep your feet closer together, and instead of trying to put your hand on the ground (as in the photograph), place the lower hand just below your knee or wherever you can comfortably reach on your shin.

Begin Trikonasana with your feet approx 4 ft apart. Turn your right foot out to a 90-degree angle and your left foot into a 45-degree angle.

Spread your arms out to the sides, sending the energy through your finger-tips. Take a deep inhale and on the exhale, extend your right hand all the way to the right – lengthening your waist and then place your hand either on your shin or the floor behind the leg.

Extend your left fingertips up towards the sky.

Look up towards your extended left hand.

Soften your face and breathe easily.

While in the pose: lift your right knee-cap up and press the outside edge of your left foot into the earth.

Stay for 5 slow breaths and then repeat on the other side.

If you love yoga, check out my other posts!

8 thoughts on “Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)”

  1. love the site-looks amazing & great info- thank you, thank you for making it all so easy and accessible to go green…even in a small town like dublin- can’t wait for the book.
    much love to you all-
    buffy and jack

  2. Jo Ann Anderson

    A few years ago I could hardly walk and decided to take up Yoga. That was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I can take my mat on trips and can practice my Yoga where ever I go.

  3. I just recently attended a free class at 889 Yonge in Toronto, Canada. This place is great, not only was the class amazing, and you get 2 free ones for simply checking the place out, the entire place has been decorated to be earth friendly. They have lines of organic clothes in their boutique, they even provide organic tampons in the bathroom. If there is anyone on this site from Toronto, I seriously recommend it.

  4. Can any of you Gorgeously Green Girls tell me where to find Emerald’s gorgeously green “yoga routine” mentioned on page 65 of the book? I can’t seem to find the demo on the website. Thanks to Sophie as I’m getting greener each day in every big/small way.

  5. I went to my first yoga classes at a high school where adult ed classes were held and loved it. It is hard for me to get to a yoga place, but I have found Namaste Yoga on FitTV. I absoulutely love it! It is a great alternative to going to a class.

  6. cleanerlivinglady

    I was just wondering if there was any yoga I could do at night. My morning starts way
    too early to get up for yoga. But after work I could do it while watching my baby.

  7. I recently started a yoga class at a high school. It is mostly floor work involving stretches. We do some standing work as well. It is fabulous! I wanted to try it for balance and flexibility. I am very happy. I have 2 things to do while I am on the road for work. After class my posrture is so much better.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

