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Sitting on The Today Show couch this morning, were two of the lovely plus-size models who are featured on the cover of Glamour Magazine this month. Glamour’s editor explained that everything is changing and that “Real is the new Sexy”, she went on to explain that plastic surgery is down for the first time in a decade and that women are sick of seeing perfectly thin, button-nosed models, and that they want to see women that they can relate to. One of the models said that she made a decision at the start of her career that she would never let her plus-size be an issue. She exuded confidence and it got me thinking.. YES – WE ARE FED UP with having to look at seemingly “perfect” teenage girls, modeling clothes that we’re supposed to be able to wear too – Helloooooooo!

“Imperfection” (whatever that really is,) should be celebrated and not just on a physical level. When we try to be perfect mothers, wives, girlfriends and even Gorgeously Green women – we set ourselves up for failure, as it’s an unattainable goal. Accepting – even loving our flaws is something that many of us find really hard to do. I have so many women writing to tell me that they are sort of put off trying to live a green life because it feels like such a tall order  – how on earth can they make a start when they barely have enough time to floss their imperfect teeth every morning? Important to realize that it would be literally impossible to live a perfectly green life, even if you were 100% committed, so may as well get started on a few simple steps that make sense.

The green road is so fraught with conundrums, challenges, confusing choices etc, that all we can do is put one step in front on the other and embark on this adventure together, knowing that we’ll make mistakes every single day. It’s much like being a mom – each day is venturing into the unknown where mistakes are made, lessons are learned and discoveries are made. I believe mom’s blogs have become such a huge success because it’s a forum where women can share and vent about their imperfect lives without being judged. When we share our mess-ups, crazy thoughts, guilt, fear and confusion, we hold out a hand to save another woman who may be drowning in her I’m-such-a-loser mindset.

We only have to look around us at nature: Take a blemished, organic, heirloom tomato and compare it to a tasteless, plastic-looking, hot house tomato in a grocery store – which is more sexy?  What are the things that you love most about the women in your life whom you respect? I can guess it’s not their perfect body, white teeth, gleaming kitchens and honor-roll student kids – it’s what they struggle with that we love the most because we struggle too.

Green Gone Wrong” is an interesting read, which more than anything teaches the reader that no matter how ethically perfect you try to be in terms of buying organic, fair-trade, and sustainable, there is rarely a perfect scenario. The author digs below the surface of “big organic” and uncovers many of the problems that we are now facing in our attempts to be ethical consumers. We are beginning to understand that many quick fixes can be painful and costly.

So I’d say that Real is the new sexy – not just real in a bikini, but real and gorgeously imperfect (green included,) in every area of our lives. Phew—–what a relief!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

