Powerful Start To The Day

Powerful Start To The Day
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I met Noah St John on the Home and Family set last year. The CFO had bought him onto the show because he had helped her to really turn things around in her life  – overhearing their conversation, my ears pricked up! I love to hear about anything and everything that might be transformational – they may have worked to significantly change turn someones life around. This is how I met Noah St John.

I’ve always been into creating intentions/affirmations to guide and change my day, so I was very interested in Noah’s approach, and recently grabbed some of his time for a quick interview:

Sophie: What are “Afformations”

Noah: Afformations are empowering questions that change your subconscious beliefs from negative to positive.

Sophie: How did yo come up with this idea?

Noah: In April of 1997, I was a divorced, 30-year-old religious studies major, living in a dorm room so tiny, I could stand in the middle of it and touch the walls on both sides. (Seriously, it was that small.)

And despite the fact that I had worked really, really hard all my life, I had very little to show for it.

But I was a good student, so just as the scores of self-help books I’d read had instructed me, I’d papered the walls of that pocket-sized room with affirmations.

You know about “affirmations”—positive statements like: I am happy, I am prosperous, I am good enough—that are supposed to come true (if we say them often enough).

Well, despite a lot of effort, they definitely were NOT working for me.

In fact, after all that time and effort I’d put in, I ended up feeling totally depressed, discouraged, and frustrated.

But rather than blame the process or the authors of those books, like most people, I blamed myself.

I thought that I was a failure and, that night, as I lay in bed, those yellow slips of “wallpaper” haunting me, I admitted the truth. I faced the fact that, despite years of trying to believe those positive statements, I just didn’t.

In fact, the harder I tried to believe that I was happy, wealthy, and good enough, the more my mind answered, “Yeah, right!”

Then, feeling even more depressed than ever, I turned out the light and pulled the covers over my head.

Now here’s one of the great aspects of the brain…

While I slept, my brain had been working hard all night processing my negative emotions.

And by the next morning, when I was in the shower, I was able to wrestle effectively with my questions from the night before:

If I’ve been saying these positive statements to myself for so long, how come I still don’t believe them?

And if I don’t believe these positive statements after repeating them over and over for so many years, what’s it going to take for me to finally believe something good about myself?

And finally: There’s got to be an easier way to change my life. But what is it?

That’s when I had my BAM: my “Big Aha Moment”. I realized why affirmations don’t work for millions of people who’ve tried them. They’re an incomplete equation.

Just as I was demonstrating, human thought is the process of asking and searching for answers to questions.

Therefore, it makes no sense at all to go around making statements we don’t believe. Because we just keep banging up against our own brain.

I realized that, instead, we needed to harness the brain’s amazing ability to find answers. But how could we do that?

By asking questions, of course.

But they had to be the right questions. Because we are constantly undermining ourselves by asking the wrong questions.

As I watched the shower steam rise around me, I began to grasp the power of my epiphany. I realized that if we start asking ourselves the right questions, it would change everything.

I jumped out of the shower, wrote my thoughts on my Apple computer, and invented the method that has not only become my life’s work – it has also changed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world.

And you can download the first chapter of my newly expanded Hay House edition of Afformations®: The Miracle of Self-Talk for FREE right here…

Think of it this way: If you don’t believe your affirmations yet, why not ask a question that will change your life?

Seriously, what have you got to lose?

Sophie: Can you give us a story of someone’s life that really changed via your method?

Noah: One of my favorite stories of someone whose life has been transformed using Afformations is the story of Susan Sherayko from California (BTW, Susan is  the CFO at Home and Family, who I mentioned earlier!)

Susan had spent tens of thousands of dollars on self-help programs, but ended up $60,000 in debt.

Then Susan heard about me from a friend and got my Afformations System program.

She started to use Afformations and things started to change.

In less than six months, she landed her dream job as a producer of a national TV show earning a six-figure income.

From $60,000 in debt to six-figure income using Afformations – pretty amazing!

Watch The Hallmark Channel interview with me and Susan right here...

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

