Pomegranate & Breast Health

Pomegranate & Breast Health
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The pomegranate is a paradoxical fruit.  It has beneficial estrogenic properties as well as anti-estrogenic properties.

Dr. Ephraim Lansky reported in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment that his pomegranate extracts selectively inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells in culture.
According to published studies, Dr. Lansky’s unique Pomegranate extract and seed oil kills breast cancer cells in culture. Dr. Lansky’s ongoing research has demonstrated pomegranate extract initiates 8 different actions or mechanisms that can prevent breast cancer as well as help in the treatment of breast cancer. Pomegranate extract’s effects include:

Suppression of breast cancer cells
Interference with cancer’s growth cycle
Inhibits products of hormones that stimulate cell growth
Stops   tumor cell invasion
Initiates apoptosis, cell death
Promotes cell differentiation
Has anti-angiogenesis properties (stopping the growth of blood vessels to tumors)
Acts as an aromatase inhibitor  (stopping fats cells from making estrogen).
Another amazing ability of the pomegranate seed oil and the extract is that they are able to effectively kill both estrogen positive and estrogen negative breast cancer cells.

The latest research has also yielded promising results with pomegranate extract in the treatment of ovarian cancer.  A yet unpublished study conducted at Yale University found impressive results with the pomegranate extract.   The study used the most virulent ovarian cancer lines, which had been resistant to all forms of treatment. The pomegranate extract was able to inhibit the cancer growth.   In the future we may find that Pomegranate extract may have as much potential with ovarian cancer as well as it has with breast cancer.  Other types of cancers have responded positively in studies using pomegranate extract including prostate, stomach, lung cancers and leukemia.

According to Dr. Ephraim Lansky “Pomegranates are unique in that the hormonal combinations inherent in the fruit seem to be helpful both for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Pomegranates seem to replace needed estrogen often prescribed to protect postmenopausal women against heart disease and osteoporosis, while selectively destroying estrogen-dependent cancer cells.”

Contributed by Dr. Sherrill Sellman author of What Women Must Know.

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