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fruitsYou may have heard that the FSA (Food Standards Agency) in the UK,  has just issued as report about the fact that their recent research indicates that organic food is no better for you. Levels of nutrients were measured, however, their findings have been hugely criticized by many, especially The Soil Association. The main problem with the report is that it’s taken only one aspect of organic food into account – the nutritional content. The other important aspects, and the reason why I choose to eat organic, is that I get to avoid any pesticide residue (so it’s much healthier,) and by supporting organic farming, I am supporting sustainable agriculture, which is vitally important.  As The Soil Association says, “the review failed to address the issue of the long-term effects of pesticides, herbicides and insecticides on human health. The European Commission, in 2006, reported links between certain cancers, male infertility and nervous system disorders and exposure to pesticides. The average industrially-produced apple may have been sprayed up to 16 times with 30 different chemicals.

Buying organic food also promotes a healthy environment. Organic farms have on average 30% more species and 50% more wildlife like birds, butterflies and bees. Compassion in World Farming, the recognised experts, say organic farming has the potential for the highest animal welfare standards. Other environmental benefits are self evident – there’s less dangerous waste on organic farms. Artificial nitrogen fertiliser is banned in organic farming, so there’s less run-off of nutrients that cause algae blooms in coastal waters.”

If we just use our common sense, it is glaring obvious that a basket (like the one pictured) of odd-shaped, beautifully coloried and un-waxed/gassed produce, is not only going to be better for you, but it’s also going to taste better.

Plants grown in rich, organic and healthy soil, produce frutis and veggies that can withstand pests and disease. They don’t need toxic sprays or inputs. It’s exactly the same as our own immune systems – if we’re healthy and robust, we’re less likely to need antibiotics and other medications to survive.

Let’s continue to support organic argriculture for cleaner, healthier, soil, air and water – the very things we can’t live without!

2 thoughts on “ORGANIC DEBATE ?????”

  1. I heard a similar story on TV here in Australia – stating that the chemicals used as pesticides are “naturally occurring” in the body and there is no evidence they are dangerous. Someone stated, in support of organics, that we didn’t think cigarettes were bad for us for a long time, so why take the chance? I agree wholeheartedly. Maybe it is safe (yeah, right!), but why take the chance if you don’t have to?

  2. Christine Collins

    I agree Robyn! I don’t know about you, but until I was able to get organic cucumbers, I never ate the skin. I swear I could feel the pesticides on them… now I can finally eat the whole cucumber!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

