Money In Your “Body” Bank

Money In Your "Body" Bank
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Are you investing in your body in the same way that you invest in anything that you want to last for a long time? It’s crazy how we try to put money in our retirement accounts, and yet we hesitate when it comes to forking out for good quality food and skincare – and hesitate even more when it comes to making healthy lifestyle choices such as practicing yoga and meditating.

You pay now or you pay later!

Quick fix diets don’t work – never have, and ever will. I am in it for the long haul because I know what I put in and on my body and how I live my life WILL show up 1 year from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now. I know it’s smart to invest in my body, mind and spirit as much as my retirement plan because what’s the point otherwise? What’s the point of getting all the financial stuff in place if I’m not feeling fantastic in my body?

This is what Gorgeous For Good is all about. At first blush, it might seems a little extreme: Whaaaaat – I need to give up sugar, alcohol, dairy, meat etc? And I need to exercise for 40 minutes every single day (oh, sorry – I get Sunday off), but seriously??? But it’s not difficult when you re-frame it: In place of “giving up” things, you are giving yourself and your family a mega gift – they get a healthier, happier you.

Besides, ladies and gents – NOTHING IS AS GORGEOUS AS HEALTHY FEELS!

So, please give the  Gorgeous For Good 30-day program a shot. You can always go right back to your old ways when you are done.

Tip of the week: Take it one day at a time. If you think ahead to the next 30 days of what you need to do, it can seem overwhelming, but anything (and I mean anything), is doable for just ONE day.


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

