Why You Need Chlorella

Why You Need Chlorella
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Small Green Wonder of Detoxication and Rejuvenation

Chlorella, a single-celled micro-algae with the highest chlorophyll content of any botanical on the planet, supplies our bodies with a whole host rejuvenating nutrients while simultaneously offering us an important gift of detoxification. Extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, RNA/DNA, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides and many other beneficial components, this small green wonder provides an amazing array of benefits.  It is known to enhance the immune system, cleanse and rejuvenate the liver and blood, improve brain and nervous system function, balances blood sugar, reduce inflammation, aid digestion and elimination, and maybe most importantly in our day and age,  protect from environmental pollution and radiation.

Part of what contributes to chlorella’s advanced ability to protect and detoxify our bodies is its cell wall.  Sometimes removed due to the misperception that it blocks its digestion and absorption, chlorella’s cell wall has now been shown to be very beneficial, binding with heavy metals such as mercury, PCB’s, pesticides, herbicides and other cancer causing compounds carrying them safely out of the body. You may see ‘broken cell wall’ chlorella, which is a special preparation method designed to make it more bio-available.

Another special feature unique to chlorella is “Chlorella Growth Factor” which is related to its high RNA/DNA profile. In the human body, RNA/DNA is responsible for growth, repair, and cellular rejuvenation and as you may guess, greatly declines with age. Therefore consuming RNA/DNA rich chlorella is protective and strengthening in many ways.

Chlorella can be used to help develop a healthy white blood cell population, originating in the marrow as stem cells. The stem cells then have the opportunity to become immune cells.  Chlorella enhances immune function specifically by improving the activity of T- and B- cells which are responsible for defending against microbes, breaking down cellular waste and providing signifiant anti-inflammatory action. Additionally, studies have shown that chlorella may have significant protective benefit for those with suppressed immune function such as those undergoing chemotherapy.   Thus chlorella, especially when combined with the phycocyanin rich(a blue pigment found only in a few foods) spirulina or blue-green algae, is one important way we help the body produce more stem cells enhancing rejuvenation and healthy immune function.

Although one cannot overdose on chlorella, introducing it into the diet is best done slowly. The generally agreed upon dose for preventive purposes is 2-3 grams (1000mg = 1 gram), in divided doses. One teaspoon of powder is equal to 5 grams.  Chlorella can be safely taken in higher amounts, 6-12 grams, for high stress conditions, significant health concerns, and mercury detoxification. Go slow! Always build up slowly from a low dose to reduce possible headaches and other detoxification symptoms.  It also may be best taken in powdered form, mixed into smoothies, water or juice, due to the tablets being hard for some to break down and assimilate. Due to chlorella’s detoxification talents, it is best to be informed around where your chlorella is sourced making sure that it is tested and free of contaminants. I myself like Healthforce Nutritionals Chlorella Manna.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

