Meatless Mondays In Los Angeles

Meatless Mondays In Los Angeles
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I’ve just found out the the Los Angeles City Council has passed a resolution to try to encourage residents city-wide to stop eating meat on Mondays! The thinking behind this resolution began in WW2 when rationing took effect. I am such a huge supporter of this effort because it’s truly a win-win situation. Making a personal pledge to eat less meat is very big step toward better health.

No one is being told that they have to become a vegetarian, it’s simply a great step for everyday meat-eaters to take. It all starts with a simple and easy step. Once families realize how easy it is to prepare a vegetarian meal, it will probably encourage them to add a few more meatless weekday meals to their menu.

Not only is it obviously way healthier to introduce more veggies into one’s diet, but it brings the grocery bill way down. Meat is typically the most expensive item in the grocery store, especially if you are choosing to eat non-factory farmed meat. BTW, I strongly urge every single person who reads my blog to give up eating any kind of meat that is not organic and truly raised without antibiotics or hormones, because eating these low-quality meats carry health risks that I don’t want you to take.

Vegetarian meals, however, can be extremely calorific – especially if you are introducing a bunch more pasta, cheese and bread. So, if you are making the switch, be sure to be introducing at least 3 new veggies into your recipes weekly. Check out my food blog for loads of veggie recipe ideas. I also recommend subscribing to Vegetarian Times.

The veggie/vegan staples that I always have to hand are: rice, every kind of bean, lentils, tofu, and fridge choc full of fresh farmers market veggies.

Do you have a favorite veggie recipe that you can share with us?

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

