Letting Go

Letting Go
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Recently, I received a message from a former client who has been making some big changes in his life, but who, like most of us, is still encountering some stumbling blocks.  The message read as follows: “I am still in my own way, Mark.  What is the secret to just letting go?!?”

I stopped and took a deep breath, trusting inspiration, and responded with the following: “There is no secret that I know.  If you find a secret, please let me in on it.  However, there are some proactive things that you can do.


1) Breathe deeply for as long and as often as you can.

2) Remind yourself constantly that the way you feel is a direct result of what you are thinking.  If you wish to feel more inspired, motivated, and clear than you are feeling right now, think about things that lift you up and make you feel your best.  No excuses on this one.  You simply have to do it.

3) Take a baby step in some new direction without any expectation other than enjoying the simple step.

4) All along be aware of your thoughts, and the statements and questions you are entertaining.  The subconscious mind is constantly listening for what you are telling it.  Make sure it only hears positive, uplifting, powerful statements about you and what you can do.

5) Look for and identify all that is good in your life and say out loud that you are grateful for it.

6) Go back to step number one and repeat the process over and over again for the rest of your life!

That is my answer and I’m sticking to it!!!”

I thought it worth posting this written step-by-step process for letting go and I am grateful to my client for inspiring this action in me.  I intend to practice this process over and over again throughout 2013 and beyond.  I hope you will join me.


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

