I Resolve ….

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I think that New Year’s resolutions are tricky because by resolving to do something, we are often forcing ourselves to do something which is very difficult for us. I don’t believe that forcing is the way to go because it never, ever works long term. When we force ourselves to follow a strict diet, or to sit down and write for 5 hours a day (or whatever it may be,) we set ourselves up to fail big time.

If there’s ever been something that I’ve really wanted to change in my life, like years ago in my twenties,when I needed to give up smoking, it took much more than sheer will power to stop – it took a deep psychic and spiritual change for me to be able to easily put down this addiction. I had to meditate and pray on a daily basis – I had to ask for help and support to rally me into choosing a healthier way of life. When we “medicate” ourselves with over-eating, watching crappy TV, smoking, shopping etc – it takes much more than a New Year’s resolution to stop.

This is the main reason why I’m against diets. I know, my second book is called The Gorgeously Green Diet, which it should never have been titled because it’s actually a live-it, is because the moment we deny ourselves anything, we immediately want to eat it – we create an obsession of sorts.

All change is holistic, meaning that we can’t just write a New Year’s resolution list and hope to stick to it for more than a few weeks. If there is something we want to change, we have to make sure that it’s a change that will suit every cell of our being, as well as our current lifestyle. I have resolved to meditate for twenty minutes two times per day, for years and I have to say- the resolution is always short-lived because it’s unrealistic. It doesn’t suit my lifestyle because I’m way too busy. It’s way more effective ask for help through prayer and those around me – asking that I be given the time and space to make this a reality.

So this New Year I have one simple resolution: I RESOLVE TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST. This is one that I know I can do. I want to be the best person that I can be and jump into the flow of life, giving it all I’ve got. I want the best for myself and everyone I know.

A wish a Happy & Prosperous New Year to you all.

2 thoughts on “I Resolve ….”

  1. Well said Sophie so true what you just wrote.I decided to live one day at a time and do the best I can.I am grateful for everything in my life.I also am happy about the little steps I have done to change and live my life a little more greener.You have been a wonderful inspiration to me and I always keep your books close by to look up needed information.I havent bought any cleaners in three years now as I make my own using all your recipes.I also make all my own serums and oils etc of couse recipes by you.Thank you once again Sophie for giving me inspiration to take the steps to change and care about the earth and most of all for knowing that each little change really does matter.Happy new year to you and your family and keep up the good work you really do make a difference in peoples lives!!!!!Cheers

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

