The Master Restaurant Moves | Ordering Healthy Options

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Many of us who have a really healthy diet cave in when we go out to eat in restaurants. This is why 9 times out of 10, I cook from scratch at home. It not only saves me money, but it enables me to keep track of all the ingredients that I’m eating. There are times, however, when some of us have to eat out more than we’d like to – so how can we stay healthy? Here are my suggestions:

  1. Veggie: Pick the vegetarian option, as most restaurant meats, unless clearly specified, will be unhealthy factory-farmed meats containing antibiotics and hormones – yuck!
  2. Avoid Buffets: Most people dramatically overeat at a buffet. I always avoid a restaurant that has a buffet. The other concern about buffets is that you don’t know how long the food has been sitting out. I’ve had food poisoning twice from buffets.
  3. Avoid the bread basket: This is obvious but the darn basket can be super-tempting, especially if it’s filled with soft Italian breads and dipping oil. I just ask them not to put it on the table so I won’t be tempted to fill up.
  4. Sushi Beware: When eating fish, especially sushi, watch out for the mercury content. This is a serious issue and it’s important that you minimize your exposure. Print out this useful card from NRDC.
  5. MSG: When eating Chinese or Thai food, always ask if they use MSG ( a toxic additive used to flavor food,) – most will tell you they don’t even if they do – so I tell them that I have a serious allergy to MSG and that it’s a matter of life or death that I know! Always pick brown rice over white.
  6. Stick to Water: When we eat out, we’ve much more tempted to go with sugary/carbonated drinks and/or alcohol. If you are craving something sweet and fizzy, ask for sparkling water and a small glass of cranberry juice, which you can add to the water.
  7. Under order: Most of us order way too much and then take a doggy bag home, which ends up in the trash. I often ask for a half-order or an appetizer sized entree. You can always order more if you’re still hungry.
  8. Plan Ahead: If you know the restaurant you are going to be eating in, go to the website and plan ahead what you are going to eat. This will avoid the temptation of a less healthy option when it comes to ordering. Make you healthy decision and stick to it. Remember if you are ordering a salad, always ask for the dressing on the side and try to go with an Italian or Balsamic dressing rather than the creamy ones (Ranch, Thousand Island etc.)

Grab a copy of The Gorgeously Green Diet for more detailed tips on how to eat healthily in specific restaurants, and while on the road.


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

