Hot Line To God!

Hot Line To God
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Don’t you sometimes wish that you had a hot line to God? That you could just get the guidance and the answers you need on demand? Well…maybe we can! Maybe God (or Spirit or whatever you want to call He/She/It), is SO close and ready to oblige that all we really need do is tune in this very second. But what is it that cuts us off? What is it that numbs us to experiencing the presence of God in each and every moment? These are questions that I tussle with everyday, and I’ve come to understand that there are 3 things that cut me off from the light of the Spirit, and 3 actions that I can take, which draw me closer.

The three activities that kind of have me believing that my thoughts are the only REALITY are:

1. Staring into any kind of screen (computer, phone, tablet, and TV) – I never feel close to God when I’m unconscious in this way. The one exception is if I’m watching a stunning movie, which moves me to think about life in a different way.

2. Rushing: When I’m in a blind rush and/or way too busy, I cannot see the wood for the trees.

3. Ignoring the warning signs: If I have physical issues that are clearly related to stress, or if I feel like I’m banging my head against a metaphorical brick wall, somebody might be trying to tell me something.

How I Connect:

1. Breathe! When I practice deep yogic breathing, it takes me out of my mind and into my body. It’s a form of mediation where I can begin to observe the craziness of my mind. Breathing helps me to slow down mentally, and it’s only by slowing down that I can experience the stillness I need to hear what God is trying to tell me. Try it now: Close your eyes and take 5 long breathes in and out…

2. Take a Break: This could be a mini-vacation, a stay-cation, or even a long walk. There have been so many vacations where I’ve spent time staring at something gorgeous in Nature and had a few crashing realizations and beautiful moments of clarity.

3.Soothing Activity: What soothes you? I love to knit, I love to make stir Risotto, and I love to color (as in a coloring book!) God is in the details of life, and when I am fully immersed in one of these soothing activities, I can easily connect to Spirit.

4. Ask: I have unshakable Faith in ASKING. When I ask I always receive (the answer/guidance). It might not be on my timetable, but it comes as long as I get quiet enough to listen. The problem is that I forget to ask!


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

