Hormonal Balance

Hormonal Balance
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Hormones are intimately connected to every other part of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experience.   From how we think and feel, to how we eat, exercise and live our life!

In fact, hormones are our most sensitive barometers of how we are really doing. The choices we make when it comes to our diet as well as environmental exposures, directly impact hormones, our health and well-being.

While many women brace themselves for stormy seas of menstruation, perimenopause or menopause, it is important to understand that nature did not intend women to struggle during these times.  For instance, it is commonly believed that the discomfort of PMS is an inevitable experience for menstruating women…that somehow it is normal to have monthly cramps, bloating, migraines and mood swings. These are actually symptoms of hormonal imbalance, generally indication an estrogen dominant problem.

In fact, these cycles of a woman’s life should be symptom –free.  To the degree that there are uncomfortable symptoms, is really a message of that some aspect of their health is out of harmony.

Thus, the real journey to hormonal wellbeing requires, not only a more accurate understanding and appreciation of our amazing female bodies but also choosing natural solutions – with diet, life style and supplements

The most notorious hormone wreckers include: sugar and sugar substitutes, refined carbohydrates, trans fats, caffeine, pesticide laden foods, alcohol, dehydration, lack sleep, stress, emotional upsets, chemicals in commercial personal care products, and lack of exercise.  These hormone wreckers are guaranteed to compromise your health, imbalance your hormones and accelerate the aging process.

A hormone harmonizing program includes organically grown, whole foods, plenty of fresh vegetable, fruits, seeds and nuts, healthy fats, (virgin olive oil, fish oils, flax seed oils, coconut oil and butter), filtered water, getting 7- 8 hours of sleep, relaxation, staying hydrated and regular exercise.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

