Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Living Tips
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I found out today that a good family friend has been diagnosed with a fast-growing cancer and it is inoperable. Ugh- I know that most of you have experienced the awful feeling of being absolutely powerless. This lovely man is in his early seventies and the worst thing is that he’s in excruciating pain.

As I got off the phone with mom, and started to drag bags of organic salad leaves out of my crisper drawer to make my lunch, I wondered if it might have made a difference if he’d eaten a clean, plant-based diet for most of his life. When we, or someone close to us, is diagnosed with a horrible disease, especially cancer, the knee-jerk reaction is to wonder if we/they could have done anything to prevent it. For the most part, we just don’t know. We can always look for reasons: Not enough sleep, organic food, exercise. Or maybe too much stress. Was there excessive exposure to environmental toxins? It’s sadly a puzzle that can rarely be solved.

I’ve always believed that a cleaner/greener way of life in a great investment in one’s health. Whenever I calculate how much money I spend on clean, fresh food, I always factor in the preventative health care aspect. Too many studies have concluded that a mostly organic, mostly plant-based diet makes a significant difference to one’s health in the long term. We now live longer than we used to. Eight years ago, the average life expectancy was around sixty years of age. In the year 2012, it’s above eighty years old, and many life well into their nineties. Given your body is hopefully in it for the long haul, it makes sense to keep it in tip top shape.

It’s pretty much common sense. The recent studies that came out in the tabloid press about red meat increasing your death risk, are again commonsense. Most red meat in this country is very unhealthy. It is produced in factory farms, and the meat is not only full of hormones, but is also very high in saturated fat. Humans were not supposed to eat this kind of meat. Duh – it makes us sick.

It’s also commonsense that if we eat too much of one thing, particularly refined grains and sugar, we are going to get sick. Too much of anything is not a good thing, even if it’s gluten-free or vegan. Moderation is the key.

As I chomped away at my raw salad, I came to the conclusion that nothing can guarantee that we will stay well forever, because we are powerless. We have less control than I’d like to think we really do. This is why one of my favorite prayers is The Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

So, the little things I can change, are the actions I choose to take today. Every single action paves the way for a better tomorrow, if I want it too. Regardless of what happens to my health and the health of my family and friends, the important thing is that I do the best that I can.  If I live, God-willing, to a ripe old age, I’d like to be able to look back and know that in the health department, I gave it my best shot.

Here are my 6 “Commonsense” Healthy Steps: We can get so confused by the myriad of books, health gurus and diets out there. Everyday a new scary tabloid headline comes out warning about the danger of yet another food. It’s important to keep it simple – no point getting extra lines on your face through stressing about it! So, be guided by your good, old commonsense.

  1. East a mostly plant-based diet. If you love meat, treat it as you would lobster – save it for a special treat.
  2. Cut refined grains and sugar out of your diet as much as you possibly can.
  3. Switch to organic food, especially for the foods listed on the dirty-dozen list. I include dairy products too.
  4. If you want to lose weight, cut every portion you eat by 50%. Sounds to simple to work? Try it! I believe that we should be able to eat everything in moderation, but moderation is the key,
  5. Exercise every single day no matter what. You need to mix up your exercise including cardio, strength and flexibility. Women over 40 should do weight-bearing exercises at least 3 times a week.
  6. Have a purpose in your life. Sounds obvious, but many people don’t. Having a strong sense of purpose makes you feel alive.
  7. Laugh – laughter releases stress and tension. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, and never take yourself too seriously.
  8. Connect with a power greater than yourself, and allow that power to guide you through your day.

4 thoughts on “Healthy Living Tips”

  1. I know exactly how you feel. On 2/3/12, a family friend, Jim passed away in our home, with liver cancer. He was also in excruciating pain. It was just so sad to see him suffer.

    He had no family, so we turned my husband’s office into a room for him. We had around the clock hospice care his last 4 days. He was only 62. He was an alcoholic. I know more and have seen more of liver cancer than I ever wanted to.

    Although my husband and I don’t drink, I started thinking about our liver health and all the toxins that we are exposed to. I began getting rid of as many toxins from our home as possible. And this is also when I found YOU!

    Getting rid of toxic food is easier than I thought, but incorporating vegetables is really hard for me. I’m still trying though. I want to feel fabulous and live a very long, healthy life.

    Thank you Sophie, for teaching me how to live healthier! You are doing an amazing job helping others.

  2. I love this article,enjoyed everything you wrote.SO true about eating healthy,exercising,and moderation in every thing we do.Keep it simple,live one day at a time and it works….i feel so much better since I changed my eating and exercising habits.I also remember easy does it,and dont get to stressed out about day to day things.Thanks again for the well written article…

  3. I agree this is such a great article. I have struggled with going organic for many years. I know it’s the healthiest for my family, but I do worry about the cost. But this year we are taking the first step and just joined a CSA! I can’t wait for June when we get our first share! Thanks for the great info, as always.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

