Healthy Down There!

Healthy Down There!
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There is one problem that, although rarely spoken about, is among the most common problems affecting menopausal women. And that is vaginal dryness! While it is a problem that most women endure in silence, it is not uncommon. As many as 14 million women over the age of 18 have experienced this discomfort. In fact, nearly half of all women over the age 40 suffer from vaginal dryness at some point.

A thin layer of moisture always coats the vaginal walls. Without adequate lubrication, the vaginal tissue becomes dry and thin. Vaginal dryness makes intercourse uncomfortable, which can seriously impact one’s sex life. Without proper lubrication, women can also become more susceptible to other health issues such as incontinence, bladder infections and pelvic floor prolapses.. Bacterial vaginosis (BV), often mistaken for a yeast infection, is one of the more common and serious side effects, stemming from an imbalance of the pH level or alkalinity in the vagina, can be triggered by chronic dryness. Symptoms of vaginal dryness include itching and stinging around the vaginal opening and in the lower third of the vagina.

What causes vaginal dryness?
When the blood vessels bringing nutrients and oxygen to the vagina become constricted due to a number of possible circumstances, dryness ensues. These nutrients are required to maintain vaginal elasticity and health, ensuring that sufficient amounts of mucus and vaginal secretions maintain vaginal flexibility and elasticity.

Changes in vaginal moisture also occur in response to declining estrogen levels. Vaginal dryness and the loss of lubrication can also be exacerbated by adrenal exhaustion, emotional stress, excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, and sugar, nutritional deficiencies or the use of steroid/cortisone drugs.

Some cancer treatment medications, such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex, produce vaginal dryness. In addition antihistamines, antidepressants as well as ulcer and high blood pressure medications may further deplete vaginal lubrication.
Since estrogen causes the vagina to thicken and moisten, the medical approach is to prescribe an estriol vaginal cream. However, when estrogen is applied in the vagina, it is quickly absorbed into the blood stream and transported to other tissues. It does pose some risk to women diagnosed with breast cancer or at high risk of breast cancer by potentially raising estrogen.

Holistic Solutions
Dr. Earl Surwit a professor at the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine specializing in pelvic floor disorders and incontinence conducted a clinical study investigating alternatives to vaginal estrogen creams. He found that a natural vaginal ointment called MoisturePom, a pomegranate lipid complex made from extracts of pomegranate fruit and pomegranate seed oil successfully restored vaginal lubrication and promoted healthy vaginal tissue. It also had a positive effect on incontinence and helped to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Dr. Surwit found that in every way, MoisturePom was as effective as estrogen creams without raising estrogen levels.  ( You can order MoisturePam at – and add HBM for a discount)

Other natural approaches that may be beneficial include the homeopathic remedies Belladonna, Bryonia, and Lycopodium. Also, herbal tinctures made from dong quai and motherwort, vitamin E oil ( use internally) and vitamin E vaginal suppositories, and comfrey and calendula ointments can help relieve vaginal dryness.

Nutritionally, include more healthy fats in your diet such as flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, coconut oil, olive and fish oils. Also supplementing with Vitamin A (25, 000IU), B-Complex ( 50-100mg) and Vitamin C ( 1,000mg – 3 x daily) will.

Support healthy tissue
A new food to try adding to your diet is seaweed, which has the necessary minerals and vitamins for endocrine support and vaginal lubrication.

With some help from Mother Nature, vaginal dryness no longer needs to be the bane of a menopausal woman’s life!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

