Healthy Challenge

Healthy Challenge
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Anyone want to join me on a 6 week healthy challenge? I recently hosted a “Healthy Living Tips” teleconference with Alexis Ellis of Terra Oceana. Alexis is someone who I highly respect and trust. She was one of the first, almost twenty years ago, to formulate a whole food green supplement, which is my opinion, is still the best on the market. Anyway, Alexis was talking about the fact that because our longevity has increased so much over the last few decades, we have to wake up to the fact that we’re in it for the long haul (if we’re lucky,) and that like a car that has got to last us for decades, we need to keep the engine fine-tuned, in order for it to run properly. We also talked about the fact that whatever actions you take today, pave the way for a healthier future.

I want to live to a ripe old age, and God willing I will, however, I want to be healthy, really healthy as I age. It’s only we lose our health, that we fully understand that there is nothing that is more important. We can change pretty much everything in our lives except for ill-health. This is why I’m such a huge proponent of everything from organic foods, to supplements, exercise and the whole shebang. It all serves as preventative health care. Yes, it can be expensive, and sometimes it requires a budget adjustment – we may need to go without other less healthy things, in order to invest in our health.

For most of us, it’s about 6 weeks until Spring Break. I’m sooooo excited as I’m going away with my family for a vacation. It’s my parent’s 50th Wedding Anniversary and as they live in the UK, we’re meeting them half-way in the Caribbean, to celebrate. So I intend to super-charge my health over the next few weeks and would love some buddies.

I’m focusing on the areas that need a little work:

  1. Drink more water – for some reason, in the Winter, I have a block about drinking enough water. We’re supposed to drink half our body weight in ounces, of filtered water a day. So I intend to fill up my reusable bottles and stick to this.
  2. My fitness is pretty good, but I could do with a push to ramp it up to the next level. I’ve come across Jackie Warner’s fantastic 30-day Fast Start DVD, which I intend to do 3 X per week. On the other days, I’ll either hike, practice yoga or challenge myself at the gym. Sunday if my only day off from exercise.
  3. Mediation: Managing stress is an integral part staying healthy. Although I meditate pretty regularly, it can take a backseat when I get busy, so for the next 6 weeks, it’s going to take priority, with a minimum of 20 minutes per day.
  4. My diet is pretty clean and healthy, so no great changes needed there. I eat very little dairy, refined sugar and gluten as it makes me feel better not to. However, for the next 6 weeks, I’ll eliminate them completely.

So that’s me – how about you? Leave me some comments here about areas of your life that you’d like to change. The changes can be small, but by posting them here, you’re making a commitment of sort – SO POST AWAY!  On March 23rd, I’ll pick one of your comments to win a Gorgeously Green surprise.

11 thoughts on “Healthy Challenge”

  1. Hi,

    I love the idea of this challenge. I’m pretty much on the same level and would like to make pretty much the same changes. I’m getting married in April so this is a perfect way to get ready! Would love to check out the DVD you are following but I am currently in Grenada going to medical school here. So it would take me over 6 weeks to even get it in the mail! Is there a good website or series of You Tube exercise videos that you would recommend? Thanks much! Looking forward to hearing your updates!

  2. Hey Marie
    I don’t know about videos on you tube. Hmmm – annoying that you can’t get hold of one b/c it’s killer. I tried her ab pyramid routine and felt so pathetic as I could barely get through half of it – and I thought I had pretty strong abs! Maybe design yourself a 30 program including a ton of squats, lunges and ab work. Make sure you have some weights too. Kettle Bells would also be a great idea, as they take squats to a whole new level, while working out your arms simultaneously.
    Good Luck and keep us posted!

  3. I would love to join you. I am a college student and do all of these things already. I have recently started to really focus on my diet and make it mainly plant based. It is tough being a student but I have two of your books and use recipes in them. I am enrolled in a kick boxing class so it helps to have it mandatory to attend haha. Also there is an app by Nike called Nike training club that has amazing workouts! I am trying to do them 3 times a week. And one more thing I want to do more is stretching. I workout a lot but my muscles are too tight. Anyways these are things I want to work on in the next 6 weeks! Thank you 🙂

  4. Ok, I’ve cleaned out our pantry, fridge and medicine cabinets. Getting rid of all items that contain dyes or other preservatives that I’ve let slip into the kitchen! We belong to a CSA and buy organic. I don’t buy processed/convenience foods. I replaced the boys snacks with nuts and trail mixes without the artificial ingredients and found organic gummy bears and suckers that they love…they love fruit and fruit candy! So, we are progressing in keeping our home healthier….for good.

  5. Hi sophie:Great incentive to be as healthy as possible.The robins have arrived a little early hear in my little town of merritt.The days are getting longer and the sun a little brighter.My goals for the next year are healthy and simple.I am now vegetarian,wheat free and i walk twice a day with my dogs.I have one day a week that i call my cheat day.My weakness is cupcakes.I have learned that an alkaline diet helps me tremendously with my fibromyalgia.I drink lemon water and loads of green tea.Most of all i exercise and eat healthy healthy healthy.Living healthy living green makes a world of difference for me.I would love to join you on your journey of health and well being.AS well yoga is very helpful for me as well.I am still working on the meditation.

  6. Hi Sophie! Im a big fan of yours, you are a huge green inspiration in my life! I’m pretty proud of myself this year as I have been drinkning alot more water and cutt out energy drinks completely! I have been working out at the gym 5+ days a week and have been following a calendar for my fitness routine and I am proud of my results so far! My man is too! I want to step up my routine tho and sweat off even more pounds 😉 I take the bus and skytrain to and from work everyday (1.5 hours each way). I’ve been trying my best to eat more fruits and veggies and counting my calories but i still need to work on my diet and portions and eliminating my sugars. I feel the next six weeks will be a great time to meditate and get back into yoga as well. I am heading to the Mayan Riviera in April for a wedding and wanna feel fit and fabulous! So i know i need to focus and stay inspired 🙂

  7. Hey!

    Over the Superbowl weekend I splurged on sugar and meat, but now I am getting back on the road to a plant based diet. I feel so much better when I am on this kind of diet. I am a registered nurse and I know how important diet and exercise is. I recently joined the GSP 8 week Rush Fit program and intend on starting that today! It is intense but will be worth it. I love all of Jackie Warner’s DVDS! They are hard, but works well. I have the 30 minute fitness and circuit training dvd. I highly recommend them!

  8. Stephanie Abell

    Hi Sophie,

    I have been eating a vegan diet since Feb and I feel great. I have been busy unpacking and getting my new home in order recently and that has been my only form of exercise besides walking my dog twice a day. I need to get back into an exercise routine and I want to start doing yoga again. I plan to start my Kettle Worx program and do yoga or a long walk on the off days. I haven’t been drinking as much water as I should either, so I will be working on that as well.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

