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iStock_000009267012XSmallI recently decided that it was high time to jump in and invest in a whole house water filtration system. Up until now, I’ve used separate filters that fit on to the faucets in my bathroom and kitchen. It’s a big decision to go for the whole house shebang, and over the years I’ve been told so many different stories about what this and that system does, that I kept putting the decision off. I have to admit that one of my eco-sins is that I love to take a bath. I’ve weaned myself off the every-night indulgence and now ration myself to once a week, however, I’d rather that my relaxing indulgence didn’t have me soaking in a tub of chlorine. Chlorine dries out my hair and skin dreadfully, and has potential side effects. So I decided to take the plunge and get to the bottom of the water debate. Which system would give me the healthiest drinking water, and which system would satisfy the criteria of a Gorgeously Green girl? After weeks of research, I’m happy to report that I now have a LifeSource whole-house system installed, and this is why:

First I looked into the Reverse Osmosis system. This system forces the water through a membrane, removing contaminants, as well as healthy minerals. A typical system will waste 3-8 gallons of water for every gallon produced. Huh – a water system wasting my precious and rather expensive water, I don’t think so!

Then I looked into water softeners and an even more alarming picture emerged: It was the same story as the Reverse Osmosis, in that naturally occurring and very healthy minerals are filtered out, and in this case, replaced with salt. However, because this system has to “regenerate” every few weeks, it produces a briny waste water, which cannot be recycled or used for irrigation. An average water softening system will waste over 400 gallons of water a month – say no more!

For eco-reasons, bottled water is out of the question, and by the way, it takes 3-8 gallons of water to produce just one gallon of bottled water because most companies use Reverse Osmosis.

The Biggest deciding factor for me was the mineral thing. I want my naturally occurring minerals to stay intact thank you very much. I don’t want a system that takes the good stuff away with the bad. Minerals like calcium and magnesium are very important for optimal health so it seems silly to invest in a system that takes them away.

I was fortunate enough to come across LifeSource Water, which is a family-run business, with impressive eco-credentials. Their proprietary system uses a granular activated carbon filter, which filters out 99% of the chlorine, and yet keeps all the minerals intact. The filter is installed at the water’s point of entry into your home, so you’ll get this sweet-smelling water flowing through all your pipes.

I’m now more than delighted as I can indulge in my weekly eco-sin without getting dry skin and hair, and I can have my tap water and drink it too!

Although it’s a bit of an investment at the get-go, it’s well worth it. The system lasts 4 times longer than any other system, and if you move, it’ll add to the value of your home. You’ll never have to deal with a plastic bottle again, your skin will be smoother, your hair glossier, and even your plants will thank you, as they don’t love chlorine either.

Remember when you’re next eating out, ask for tap water rather than bottled. After a couple of meals you’ll have saved enough to buy a couple of great reusable water bottles. Finally, only ask for water if you know you’re going to drink it. I’ve wasted so many huge glasses of icy water in restaurants, as it was given to me without asking.

Finally, I highly recommend that you check your local water quality. If you’re on a well, you should have your water tested every year and if you use municipal water, read your local water report to see what the tested levels are for certain contaminants like perchlorate.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

