Forever Lazy

Forever Lazy
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When my husband showed me the Forever Lazy commercial on TV, I thought it was a SNL skit- it just couldn’t be for real – especially the bit when the guy needs to go to the bathroom at a ball game and it shows a close-up of the back
panel unzipping. My husband reminded me that there actually was an SNL skit a while ago, which was pretty close to what we were watching – it was a kind of massive snuggie-type of suit with in-built diapers and nose-bags for eating, so the TV-watching wearer wouldn’t even have to lift themselves out of their seat to go to the bathroom or kitchen.

The scary thing is that these kind of onesie fluffy suits for adults are for real. Not only are they hideous – to the point of being a great joke Holiday gift, but their appearance on the scene must mean that there is a demand. The popular snuggie of a couple of years ago, has evolved to a full body-covering, with velcro openings, much like a baby’s onesie, and the commercial suggests that they can be worn, not just while watching TV or reading, but to the ball game – I mean why bother getting dressed at all when you can, still in your P.J’s climb into this giant teletubby suit, and not have to expend any energy on even doing up a button?

Look, I’m all for occasionally hanging around in my P.J’s or a cozy robe on a wintery morning if it’s a holiday or if I’m sick, but call me old fashioned, I don’t love laziness on other days. The reason why is that lolloping around in a lazy suit makes me feel sluggish and awful. No matter how hard it is to get up, wash my hair, put on nice clothes & makeup – especially on a cold morning, it always pays huge dividends, as I feel one hundred percent better. Conversely, if I let the morning slip away, sitting at my computer with a mug of tea in an old robe, it becomes harder and harder to face the day and get going. The Forever Lazy has taken the whole casual attire thing to a whole new and terribly un-sexy level. The ubiquitous velour sweat suit, started almost a decade ago by Juicy Couture, has got to be one of the most unattractive outfits in recent years. Teamed up with a pair of UGG boots or Birkenstocks, it’s admittedly comfy, but fails miserably in the attractive department – did we think it could get any worse?

Although I hated it as a kid, I was raised with the ‘suit up & show up” mentality, which basically meant that no matter how you felt, you were expected to arrive at the breakfast table having washed, and dressed. I often tell my daughter when she reluctantly pulls her comforter over her bed before going to school, about my days at boarding school in England – we had to not only make our bed, but you were required to create “hospital corners,” which for someone like me, was extremely challenging. However, as an adult, this suit-up-&-show-up mentality has served me so well. It’s basically taught me that regardless of how I feel, life happens and I need to be present for it. Pretty much anything of value that I’ve done in my life, has been achieved through taking a series of actions that I really didn’t feel like taking.

What this has to do with the Forever Lazy Suit, I’m not sure – only to say that zipping or velcro-ing myself into one of them, isn’t likely to engender the get-up-and-go mentality that makes life so exciting. That said, I might be surprised, maybe if I find one (please not the pink,) from my husband under the tree this year – maybe climbing into it will make me want to leap around, take my pleading dogs for a walk, go bicycling with my daughter – you never know! Oh wait a minute – maybe it could be my new “meditation suit” – since this practice is a tough one for me – sitting still for twenty minutes and focusing on my breath – maybe the Forever Lazy suit will anchor me to one spot where I’ll have a better chance of stilling my mind.

My final thought on the Forever Lazy is that someone might want to come up with  an eco-Lazy – made from discarded plastic bottles in the USA – then we might even  be able to feel self-righteous and dare I say proud, wearing our fleecy suits!

1 thought on “Forever Lazy”

  1. Funny post! It scares me to think of some of the lazy ways that people come up with so they have an excuse. Grant it, I have been really lacking on the motivation to exercise due to the cold weather and no money for a gym membership (and have therefore gained a couple pounds), but I am far from lazy. I, like you, can not stand to sit around all day unless I am sick. As a matter of fact, I’m going to do some cleaning and browse the library today!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

