Fall Back Sunday

Fall Back Sunday
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I must say, I don’t love it when the clocks go back in November.

Whenever they go forward or back, my body feels that it’s being tricked. Still, I guess the whole idea is that we get a bit more daylight and save energy. The whole concept of pulling back the hands of the clock was instituted just after World War 1 because fuel needed to be conserved for electricity. After the war, the law was really unpopular because most people in 1919 rose and went to bed much earlier than they do today. So, the law became optional. Can you imagine the confusion where only a handful of States kept with the daylight savings deal, and others stopped it? It was only when the Uniform Time Act was passed in 1966, that every State got on the same page.

Anyway, that brief piece of history aside, the clocks going back on Sunday 4th November marks the beginning of true winter for many us. It’s time to start hunkering down with bowls of butternut squash soup and warm crusty bread. I pulled down my storage bag of fluffy socks this morning, and am about to drag out my winter comforter. Oh my goodness, I love my comforter – it’s made from organic sheep’s wool, and is the most sleep-inducing comforter I’ve ever owned. Sleep patterns can change dramatically in the winter, so here are a few tips that I’ve found helpful in me getting a full, deep 8-hours of beauty sleep.

1. I tend to eat heavier meals in the winter, however, I try to eat a heartier meal at lunch time, and then a lighter soup at night. A too-heavy supper can make it harder to go to sleep.

2. The temperature of my bedroom is so important. A too-warm bedroom is awful and stuffy, however, a too-cold bedroom can keep me awake. The idea temperature, according to many sleep experts, is around 68 degrees. I used to sleep with it being much cooler and pile on the blankets, but that can cause sleep problems too.

3. We tend to exercise less in the winter because the earlier evenings prohibit long dog walks and hiking. However, it’s important to get exercise as much as we do in the other months. When I lesson my exercise, it always affects my sleep.

4. We need to get as much bright daylight as we can. Lack of bright sunshine makes us sleepy – some of us even doze off during the day. Keep yourself alert and motivated during the day by taking a brisk walk during the brightest part of the day – you’ll sleep better, and get a bit of Vitamin D.

5. Make sure your bedroom is filled with all your soothing creature comforts. Mine (which I attribute to being able to get a full 8 hours of beauty sleep are: My Satin Serenity Pillowcase, my Essence de Valli lavender sleep kit, my Now & Zen alarm clock, and my can’t-live-without Pillo 1.

Oh, BTW the Satin Serenity Pillowcase has a special deal running on it for 1 day only ( Friday November 2nd). It’s a great opportunity to grab a few of them for  fantastic Holiday gifts.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

