My Brand New Wellness Webinar

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I’ve never done one before – This is indeed a first, so drum roll please!!! Announcing my first ever wellness webinar. If you’ve never done a webinar before, it’s honestly one of the easiest and most powerful ways to learn…and I mean really learn! My webinar is basically a live online workshop. You get to join me live February 21st at 11am PST, and I get to teach you in a way that I’ve never been able to before.

So, all you need do is click this link to register. And I recommend registering ASAP because there is a head count limit. You’ll get a confirmation email, and then a few reminders. That’s it! On the day, be sure to be get well prepared by telling friends and family that you are out of commission for 60 minutes (or invite them along by sharing this link). Make yourself a steaming cup of coffee or green tea, have a notebook and pen handy. Then click on a link that will be sent to your email inbox that morning. Voila – it’s that easy.

So, what exactly are you going to learn? Well, here’s the thing: As many of you know I host my signature residential wellness retreats a couple of times a year, but I only get to see a tiny handful of you. And, it’s been bothering me for a while that I can’t teach more of you in a large group gathering. If you follow all that I do, you know that I deliver information, tips, tricks and videos year round, but the big question that many of you have been asking me is, “How do I put this all together?” And this is the very question that led me to craft this 60-minute workshop. You will learn:

  • The basics of my wellness philo-Sophie
  • How to craft wellness goals that stick
  • Why many diet, fitness and wellness programs may not have worked for you in the past
  • Why it’s so important to balance your hormones
  • Why meditation is the foundation of all that I do
  • Why a plant-based diet will help you lose unwanted pounds, and prevent disease
  • Why your fitness regime may not be working as well as you would have hoped
  • The 6 Wellness Bank Account that I have all my clients create

Download your workshop handbook here – this will help prepare you for the session, and I’ll also be offering you some really great bonuses during the live workshop.

I encourage you to prioritize your wellness this year by making time in your schedule for this workshop. This is exactly how I got and stayed well – I made self care a huge priority, and I scheduled important classes and actions into my calendar to make sure I stayed on track.

I look forward to working with you LIVE on February 21st at 11am PST


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.