10 Tips For Beauty Sleep

Beauty Sleep
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Are you getting enough or too much sleep? According to recent studies, 7 hours is the ideal amount of time that you should be getting your shut-eye. Surprisingly, too much can be as bad as too little (in terms of your health.) Folks who lived the longest got between 6.5 and 7 hours of sleep (what I call beauty sleep because of its far-reaching impacts!). So here’s how I’m challenging myself from now until Memorial Day (then hopefully it’ll become a habit.) I plan to try to be in bed by 10pm and then rise at 5am. The rising part of the equation will be tough because..well it’s 5 in the morning! The absolute joy of doing this is that I will add another 2 productive hours to my already time-challenged days. I actually love to rise early, when everything is still outside and the family and dogs are still asleep. I make myself a cup of green tea and pull my thoughts together. It’s also an excellent time to practice my yoga or work with my kettlebells.

What if you have problems sleeping? Need more beauty sleep? You could try the following, which I’ve found to be very helpful:

1. Essential Oil Blend: Try creating a blend with the following oils: 9 drops of Marjoram EO, 8 drops of Vetiver EO, and 14 drops of Lemon EO. Combine these oils with 1 tsp of vegetable oil and place in a diffuser, electric burner 1/2 hour before bed.

2. Natural Calm: This magnesium supplement has really helped me to sleep. I take 2 tsp before bed every night.

3. Valerian or Hops: You can order these herbs either as a dry herb with which you would make a tea or as a tincture from a health food store.

4. Go to bed early! The most obvious, however, if I force myself to switch off the TV and computer a good 1/2 hour before getting into bed, and make sure I get in at a decent hour, I’m much more likely to get my much needed 8 hours of sleep.

5. If you have trouble going to beauty sleep, try this amazing Gaba Ali Shan Tea, which has most people horizontal pretty quickly. It also tastes delicious and was a recent (and very lucky) find of mine.

6. Use the Essence de Valli sleep kit. My husband, who is a former insomniac, loves this essential oil kit (sprays, balms, etc.) for helping him to drift into a deep sleep.

7. Make sure you use a really nourishing night creme and eye cream. When you have the heat turned up in the Winter this is especially important.

8. Use a good natural eyelash conditioner. I’m in love with LashFood.

9. Use one of these amazing anti-aging satin pillowcases. I cannot recommend this more highly. I cannot live without mine now and have to take it with me when I travel. It helps guard against wrinkles – especially if you smooch your face into your pillow – but best of all, it helps my hair look smooth and silky when I wake up – phew!

10. Finally, get your earplugs in. You never know what sound might wake you up. Pick up a pack of Hearos eco-friendly earplugs from Target or your nearest drugstore and you’ll be set.

Read more wellness tips here.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

