All I Want For Christmas …

All I Want For Christmas ...
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All I really want for Christmas is to experience a deep sense of peace. I don’t mean that I wish to walk around in a sort of euphoric zoned-out state 24/7 – , I mean rather that I get to experience a few moments of absolute stillness, which invariably leads to a feeling of peaceful bliss.

In the fifteen or so years that I’ve struggled with a meditation practice – and I say struggle because it goes against every instinct I have to sit still and attempt to quieten my mind, it’s the only time that I’ve experienced what I can only describe as a deep sense of peace. It may be fleeting, but at least I know that it’s there if I want it.

I love this quote by John O’Donohue: “We do not need to go out and find love; rather, we need to be still and let love discover us.”

Over the Holidays, I hope to experience love by giving love to those around me, but ultimately the deepest love that I’ll get to experience is when I am still.

When meditating, the Psalm, “Be still and know that I am God,” often comes to me. It was no surprise when author of “The Power Of Now,” Eckhart Tolle said that he believes this Psalm contains “the entire wisdom of religion in those words.”

In that stillness and silence, I find that my spirit can actually connect to my Higher Self/Higher Power or my Creator, and speak to me. When the volume of my everyday thoughts, my manic monkey-mind, which drags me where I don’t even want to go, becomes still, it’s only then that I can hear my truth.

So above all, that’s what I want for Christmas. Yes – of course, I wish for Peace On Earth For All Men, but as Ghandi wisely says, first I need to “Be The Change” I want to see in the world –  the best place to start is with a simple quieting of my mind. Despite my circumstances, I can always find a way to give myself this precious gift.

Peace and Good Will to all you wonderful women in the G.G. community – your comments, emails, insights and wisdom are treasured – HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

