5 Tips to Combat Sugar Overload and Keep Balanced This Holiday

Combat Sugar Overload
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I loved Sophie’s 10 Tips for Staying Lean and Green This Holidays that I decided to expand on it, with my top tips for maintaining a healthy intestinal balance during the holidays.

I typically maintain a vegan alkaline diet throughout the year including lots of leafy greens and raw foods. But I am not a monk, and like to enjoy the holiday season with everybody else.

However, I find that if I overindulge too much, my system gets out of whack, and I pay the consequences of my “acidic orgy” with weight gain, fatigue, mental fogs, candida overgrowth, weight gain, and poor digestion.

But, over the years, I have discovered some ways I can strike a nice balance, and participate in the festivities, be social and have treats, without coat-checking my health at the party door!

So, here are my top 5 tips for balancing my holiday system:

1. Lemon Water is My Best Friend.
Say it with me, “Lemon water is our best friend every day of the year, but all day every day during party season.” I hear some of you saying, “But lemons are acidic!” True, lemons are acidic out of the body, but they have a marvelous alkalizing effect once inside the body.
1 lemon squeezed into two 8 ounce glasses of warm water is how I start and end every single day of my life. It alkalizes and detoxifies the system after rest, and stimulates the peristaltic movement of the colon and prepares the body for food.
But during holiday season, drinking lemon water throughout the entire day helps balance out any sugary, fatty, decadent holiday foods that are highly acidic and can wreak havoc in our system.
One GREAT trick for cocktail lovers: for every alcoholic beverage you consume, drink a glass of lemon water in between.It will not only keep you hydrated and dilute the alcohol, but will help combat the acidity.
Don’t get me wrong, don’t go crazy scoffing the festive foods and getting too “over refreshed”! But some generous swigs of lemon water throughout the day can help wash away all manner of holidays sins. (Wink)
Alternatively, you can drink 3-4 ounces of filtered water with 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda before consuming alcohol or highly acidic foods.  Although this is not as palatable for most people.

Another option is liquid chlorophyll. I consume about 16 ounces of liquid chlorophyll a day, and have never felt better. It is highly alkalizing, and helps to rebuild the blood, and improve the quality of your red blood cells. It is also FABULOUS for your skin. Start with 1 Tbsp in glass of filtered water. Then work up to more. It makes your skin GLOW, and it looks green and festive!

You can purchase plain liquid chlorophyll. But I prefer the mint flavored variety, because it tastes like refreshing mint tea. YUMMO! But I am very discerning about which brands I purchase, and only recommend two: World Organics and Now Foods.

2.  A Green Smoothie a Day Keeps the Holiday Alternatively, you could enjoy a warm bowl of green soup for Blues Away.

We can forget to “eat our greens” during the holidays, with all of the scrumptious pastries and baked goods on offer for breakfast. Not only are raw leafy greens incredibly alkalizing, but they are absolutely loaded with nutrients and live enzymes, and are low in calories. They really are the ultimate superfood.

Start each day with an alkaline, savory green smoothie containing greens like spinach, kale, collard greens, romaine lettuce, radish greens, beet greens etc. That way,, you are not only getting your daily dose of greens and filling up with some alkaline whole foods goodness, your are helping to cleanse and detoxify your system, as well as filling up and leaving less room for the sugar-laden colon-clogging, but “Oh so delicious” treats that entice us. You can add scoop of quinoa or millet. This is also alkalizing and filling.

3. The 80/20 Holiday Plate Rocks.

Most traditional plates contain 80% meats and acidic sugar and fat-laden foods, and a tiny morsel of side vegetables. By reversing this ratio, and piling your plate up with green vegetables like beans, brussel sprouts, and broccoli, raw salads, and whole grains you are consuming less of those high-calorie rich foods that can lead to a mid afternoon bonk and nap time!

If you are eating meat, go for the lean cuts, and avoid the gravy. Fish is a better choice than turkey, as it is lean and loaded with omega 3 healthy fats that help to buffer acids. For desserts, skip the pie crust and cake icing, and enjoy a few bites of the filling. Or even better still, just a plate of fresh fruit. But whatever you eat, “Gorgeously Green” plates are the way forward these holidays!
4. “Exercise and Breathe” is the name of the game!

Make sure you go for a walk every morning and every night throughout the holiday period, and before you eat large decadent meals if possible.  If you could get your heart rate going even more to encourage detoxification and elimination that is even the better. But I suggest walking, because it is social, achievable for most people, and is relaxing and fun. But, more highly active exercise is even better for stimulating the detoxification process. When we are sweating, dietary and metabolic acids are expelled through the pores of our skin. So sweat, sweat, sweat those holidays blues away.
The holidays can be extremely stressful. Stress is acidic, and relaxation is alkaline. Some deep breathing, meditation, and relaxing visualization can help enormously with holiday detoxification. Don’t underestimate the value of sitting in a quiet place every day, escaping from the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and enjoying some down time.

5. Enjoy Lymphatic Massage, Saunas, and Colon Hydrotherapy during the holidays.

Lymphatic Drainage massage is not only incredibly relaxing and enjoyable, but it highly beneficial for encouraging detoxification and elimination. This is important all year round, but especially necessary during party periods, where we are indulging in “day in day out” treats! Take some time out these holidays, and treat yourself to a massage!
An infrared sauna is another wonderful way to encourage detoxification these holidays as they help improve blood circulation, causes a rise in core body temperature that results in a powerful detoxifying sweat on a cellular level where toxins reside. You can also burn calories without moving a muscle, Now THAT got your attention!
Lastly, I always have a few chlorophyll-infused colon hydrotherapy sessions with a qualified, reputable therapist. This suggestion is a little more controversial, as colonics are not endorsed by everybody. Using gentle water, acupuncture, massage, and other natural therapies to help stimulate the colon and remove fecal matter is a wonderful way to elimate toxins and improve digestion and overall health. I am a huge fan. Colonics have changed my life. I participate in colonics all year round. However, am extremely particular about the therapists that treat me. I go the The Piper Center For Internal Wellness in NYC, and Gentle Wellness Center in L.A.

Whatever you do these holidays, ENJOY YOURSELF. Move through this period of celebration with gratitude and abundance, and get ready for a FABULOUS 2013! Cheers

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

