5 Hip Habits For 2010

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What are the coolest new habits to adopt for 2010? Here are 5 of them, and remember it takes 30 days of practice for a new habit to stick. Every single person can manage all 5 of these easy, feel-good habits. I know that many of them seem obvious and we’ve heard them again and again…blah blah blah. But honestly, with kids screaming, dog needing to be walked, ph0ne ringing and Blackberry vibrating – the brain, or my brain, has a hard time keeping track of a few of the most basic eco-friendly actions I could be taking. How often to you get to the checkout and realize that all of your reusable bags are in the trunk of your car or stuffed behind the laundry room door? I have every intention to bring my travel mug with me on a daily basis, but rather too often find myself craving a hot drink and realizing that the mug is .. I dunno -somewhere. I want to be an activist too, as I absolutely know that e-activism is one of the most powerful actions I can take. I spend hours a day twittering around on my laptop, but do I sign a daily petition (all of 30 seconds,) ? – the answer is a hideous No!
So this year, I’m committing to post-it noting (the recycled ones of course,) these easy green habits on my fridge, as a gentle reminder to get a grip and walk the walk.

1. Get outside into nature every single day: Even if you live in a city, carve out at least ten minutes a day to get outside and make a connection with at least something in the natural world. Walk, run, or jump for joy as an alternative to going to the mall.

2. Always carry a travel mug with your home-brewed organic coffee/tea in it. It’s totally uncool to be seen schlepping around with an enormous coffee shop paper cup – so invest in a couple of travel mugs and be the change.

iStock_000002992312XSmall3. Get at least 5 Chico Bags and keep them permanently in your purse. The Gorgeously Green Chico bag is the official it bag for 2010, and the only way you’ll ever remember them for every single shopping trip, is to put them back in your purse when you’ve unloaded your groceries.

4. Say no to plastic water bottles period. If you get offered one, say no thanks! You can’t have too many reusable water bottles. Buy one for every member of your family.biggbottlecontest

5. A Petition-a-day keeps stress at bay: the surest way to stop fretting and stressing, is to spring into action. If you have eco-anxiety, simply log onto Greenpeace or NRDC and take 30 seconds to sign a petition. You have a voice – use it.

Beautiful woman lying on white floorAnd FYI, I’ll keep you posted on my progress. This year, I’m raising the Green bar a bit higher. Step 8 of Gorgeously Green is about getting out into the world and really figuring out how to make a difference beyond your home. I’ve got all kinds of ideas up my sleeve and would love you to come along for the ride. Check in for my weekly adventures and I’d love to hear yours too.

4 thoughts on “5 Hip Habits For 2010”

  1. Thanks for the helpful five ways to be more Eco-friendly. These truly are ways to help the conservation effort. It is also a good way to advertise the fact that being aware of the planet’s needs is not only becoming more popular, but easy to do. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

  2. 1) I do need to walk more. We recently moved and have a wonderful park just around the corner and sidewalks all around the neighborhood.
    2) I too have the problem of wanting a warm drink and not having one of my mugs with me. At one point I kept some clean ones in the car, but once they were taken out, I never put them back.
    3) At first I forgot the bags often. But if I put them back into the car after I unpack groceries, now I remember to take them in. It’s just another habit. I also keep 2 chico bags in my purse, for those times I run in for just one thing and end up with lots. LOL
    4) I do just say no to the water bottles. Thanks, but I have my own. 😀 As long as I remember to bring it every day.
    5)I’ve never thought about the petition. I’ll have to look into that.
    It is a brand new year. A clean start. I just have to remember 30 days to make a habit, and not to get discouraged if I mess up. I don’t have to wait until next year if I mess up to try again.
    Good luck!

  3. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you are doing here at GORGEOUSLY GREEN and for your fabulous books! Also for the amazing giveaways you sponsored this past Christmas season. Although I wasn’t one of your lucky winners, it gave me the opportunity to learn about a lot of great products I had never heard of before, and I plan on featuring many of them on my eco blog. You rock!

  4. Hi- I love your site and what you are doing! Just a quick note, there is a typo in your “5 Hip Habits” blog entry. It should be how often DO you get to the checkout…, not how often TO you get…
    Just thought you’d like to know.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

