5 Best Protein Powders For Working Out

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I work out really, and I mean REALLY hard, about twice a week. The other days I do a little yoga and/or hike, but on those killer weight-bearing strength workouts I feel that I need to boost my protein-intake with a good quality plant protein powder. There are now so many to choose from that it’s become extremely confusing. Some of them are a single plant source, such as hemp or rice, whereas others boast combinations of two or three with a few super foods tossed in for good measure. Here are my top 5 favorites:

Manitoba Harvest: Hemp protein 70


What’s in it? Non GMO-certified hemp.

How does it perform? It has an earthy/nutty taste, and has a slightly gritty texture, but I love it. It goes straight through you, so great for your plumbing! I like that hemp is also a great source of Omega Fatty Acids.

Nutrition: 20g protein per 30g serving.


warriorWarrior Blend (Vanilla Plus)
What’s in it? Proprietary blend (GMO-free sprouted brown rice, hemp, real vanilla bean, Arctic Root, Nopal Cactus, Stevia, Enzymes, Milk Thistle.

How does it perform? Makes a creamy smoothie, and the vanilla flavor is delicious. Not too sweet.
Nutrition: 17g protein/scoop


611wsPIUzIL._SX522_Sunwarrior Plus (Vanilla)

What’s in it? Sprouted brown rice, pea protein, quinoa, chia, Amaranth.

How does it perform? It has a bland taste (which I like), but it’s a bit little bit chalky and thick. However, mixed with plenty of water/coconut water and blended up into a smoothie with tons of frozen fruit and leafy greens makes a great protein-packed drink.

Nutrition: 18g protein per serving.

417vXxzj-jLPlant Fusion, original (chocolate raspberry, chocolate, cookies n’ creme, unflavored, vanilla)

What’s in it? Protein from pea, artichoke, sprouted amaranth, and sprouted quinoa.

How does it perform? I love the taste of the cookies n’creme, but it makes for a very thick smoothie if you mix it with nut milk, so I would recommend mixing with water/coconut water to really thin it out, and add a bunch of crushed ice.


Nutrition: 21g protein/serving (4500 mg BCAA’s)


61uIcgJDXcL._SX522_Vega One (french vanilla, chocolate, vanilla chai, and natural)

What’s in it? Pea, hemp, Saviseed protein. Also contains an antioxidant blend, green blend, omega-3 blend, digestive and probiotic enzymes, and vitamins/minerals- a “meal” protein supplement.

How does it perform? It has the strongest flavor out of all the powders I tasted because of the greens such as chlorella and spirulina, and it also has rather a grainy texture. I do like the fact that it contains these super foods. I need to mask the flavor with loads of frozen fruit such as berries and banana. A tsp of cinnamon also helps. I also recommend thinning it out with water or coconut water.
Nutrition: 17g protein/scoop


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.