4 Mega Benefits of Giving Up Dairy!

Benefits of Giving Up Dairy
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When I gave up dairy about 3 years ago, I found the results to be astonishing. My empirical research was then further substantiated by my studies when I was certifying as a Holistic Nutritionist. There are SO many benefits to giving up dairy products, but here are the main four.

1. Clearer Skin: I have seen it time and time again: When people I know give up dairy, any problems with their skin (especially breaking out and dark under eye circles), dramatically improve.

2. Digestive Ease: I remember seeing an allergist a few years ago in Beverly Hills because I was having a little bloating and discomfort after eating. I wanted to check that I wasn’t allergic to anything. He did extensive tests, which all came back negative. He then suggested I give up dairy for while. Now this dude was no new-agey/veganite – he was an old-school/no-nonsense (no sense of humor to boot,) guy in a white coat. He said that in all his 40 years of practice, the one commonality was that when patients gave up dairy, 90% of their digestive issues cleared up. It worked for me!

3. Avoid Degenerative Brain disease: The research on this one is fascinating, but can be summed up by the following: The three things that you can do to dramatically reduce your risk of getting Parkinsons are: Avoid dairy (filled with neurotoxins in the U.S.), avoid pesticides, and avoid head trauma (wear you helmet and always buckle up).

4. Weight-loss: If you are struggling to reach your ideal healthy weight, avoiding dairy will help to take you there. Milk, cheese etc contain a lot of saturated fat, and I don’t recommend low-fat/skimmed versions because studies have found that skimmed/low fat milk actually contains more steroid hormones than whole milk!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

