3-Day Winter Juice Fast

Winter Juice Fast
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Happy New Year. I don’t know about you, but I am manifesting a happy, healthy, virbrant year! One of the most important things I do to prepare my body is do a juice cleanse. To celebrate my amazing Omega Juicer Giveaway, where I am giving away FIVE Omega VRT350 Masticating Juicers valued at $379.99 each, I decided to share a gentle easy 3 DAY JUICE CLEANSE guided by my dear friend Karen Kipp from Power Your Journey.

All of the recipes, instructions, and ingredient shopping list are located here. You can follow this Winter cleanse at your leisure, or you can join our private Facebook Group, where we will guide participants in a virtual group cleanse from January 18-20th. You can sign up for free here. I hope to see you there.

So, what’s the skinny on juice fasting and cleansing?

I am always asked about “juicing versus blending.” Which is better? I prefer not to engage in this debate, as I I believe there is a place for both blending and juicing in any healthy eating regime. Yes, whole blended juices and smoothies that contain the fibre of fruits and vegetables are vital for health and for the slower assimilation of sugars etc. However, during periods of detoxification, cleansing, and illness, juices, both pulped and pulp free juices are actually preferable, as they allow a more gentle digestive process, which leaves more energy for detoxification, cleansing, and regeneration.

I certainly blend every day, and juice every week. I also do a juice fast/cleanse one day of each week to empty and strengthen my system, and a 3 DAY juice fast at the beginning of every new season. It is important to note, that I also engage in regular colonics to assist in the cleansing process.

Another thing to note: before embarking on a juice fast or cleanse, always consult your health care professional. Also, pregnant women, or those breast feeding should not engage in juice cleansing. Those with acute illnesses should also be very careful, and engage in cleansing activity under the guidance of a physician or alternative practitioner.

Also, arm yourself with knowledge. I recommend reading HEINERMAN’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HEALING JUICES. This book was published decades ago, and some of the information is a little out of date. But it is still the most comprehensive guide to the health benefits of juicing I have read. I also like JUICING, FASTING, AND DETOXING FOR LIFE.

Here are some quick tips about juice detoxing:

When Juice Fasting, where you are not consuming anything else but juice, you will get the best results if you strain your juices to remove the pulp. Fibre and solid food encourage the digestive process and makes you hungry. Straining is not necessary if you are cleansing and are consuming other clean foods like raw salads, smoothies, and soups etc. It is a good idea to dilute concentrated fruit and vegetable juices when fasting or cleansing. This is not absolutely necessary. However, fruit juices are more slowly assimilated and less likely to spike blood sugar levels if they are diluted half/half. For alkaline vegetable juices with a low-sugar content, add half as much water as juice. You can find more detailed information about this here.

When Juice Cleansing: it is always best to consume juices on an empty stomach to maximize the absorption and benefits. If you enjoy fruit-based juices, it is best to enjoy those during the day so that the body has time to process the high natural sugar content. I recommend more vegetable-based alkaline juices in the afternoons and evenings as the minerals help rebuild the body and prepare it for rest.

More Vegetables than Fruits: You can have too much of a good thing with fruit. Fresh juices, particularly high sugar fruit-based juices are highly concentrated. They can cause sugar spikes, and be problematic for some people, escpecially those with acute illnesses and diabetes etc. I recommend limiting your intake of fruit-based juices, and instead, opting for alkaline vegetable juices containing a small amount of apple and lemon. These juices are preferable, as they are alkaline, and are more slowly absorbed by the body.

Monitor Detox and “Die Off” Symptoms: It is not unusual to feel sick when engaging in a juice cleanse or fast. Some common symtoms might be: severe fatigue, hunger, nausea, headaches, dizziness, stomach pains, loose stools etc. You can, at any time, stop juice cleansing, and ease back into whole soft fruits, smoothies, and other clean foods. Excess mucous is a common cause of headaches and nausea. Ensure your blood sugar is stable as possible by consuming additional juices, smoothies, vegetable broth, herbal teas, green almond milk, and drink plenty of fluids. It is important to get lots of rest and keep hydrated. Fluids help to thin the additional mucous that the body provides during periods of detoxification. Practicing nasal irrigation can help to flush out your sinuses. If acute symptioms persist for more than 48 hours, consult a doctor and cease the cleanse immediately.

Lymphatic Massge can really help to usher the toxins out and show them the door! Not only is it relaxing and pleasurable, it is highly effective. Always keep hydrated.

Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonics are really beneficial during juice cleanses as they assist the body to expel any toxins that have been stirred up by all of that juicy goodness. These are not popular or socially acceptable to many people. But, I have been doing them for over twenty years, and can personally attest to their healing power. Always do your research in order to find the most qualified practitioner in your area.

Keep Moving. Gentle slow walking or a little rebounding can be really beneficial during a juice cleanse to stimulate the lymphatic system and keep things moving. I wouldn’t engage in anything more stressful, as you want to preserve your energy for detoxification.

Ease Back into Life after a cleanse to assist your body to adjust. I recommend eating clean liquid foods on the first day, such as broths, herbal teas, smoothies, soups, and soft whole fruits. Then, on the next day, introduce clean foods like salads and plant-based stir-fries. Continue to hydrate.


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

