DIY Aromatherapy Sinusitis Inhalation

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So many of my friends have bad sinuses now. It is allergy season and the heat in Los Angeles (not to mention the air pollution), has taken a lot of people over the edge. Time, my gorgeous friends, for an sinus remedy. This is the exact inhalation that I prepare when I feel a bout of sinusitis coming on.

The first thing to consider is what you are going to use for you inhalation device. You can go the old-fashioned way and lay a towel over a bowl of just-boiled water, but I honestly think you are better off with a proper device. I love this one by Veridian because it doubles as a beauty steaming device, for when you want to do a deep facial cleanse. It’s also excellent for this DIY Aromatherapy Sinusitis Inhalation.

You will need the following essential oils. I get mine from Mountain Rose Herbs: Rosemary, Pine, Peppermint

Fill your bowl, or the reservoir of your inhalation steaming device, with:

3 drops rosemary essential oil

1 drop pine essential oil

2 drops peppermint essential oil


Sit somewhere where you can be comfortably relaxed, and stick on some relaxing music. This is where you get to practice you slow yogic breathing. One the steam starts coming out of the device, take very slow, long inhalations through your nose.

You should feel amazing after.

I also recommend using Xlear Spray throughout the day to help keep an infection at bay.

If you actually have sinusitis, repeat this inhalation morning and night.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

