Set Daily Intentions

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One of the most productive things I can recommend you do is to sit down every morning and scribble down daily intentions. Intentions can be as specific as making a doctor’s appointment that you’ve been putting off, to intending to not criticize anyone for the next 24 hours.

Here’s how I do it:

  1. I start by writing a general “mind, body, spirit intention,” which will be about how I can improve myself spiritually. I often do this on the back of a short meditation session, but if you don’t meditate, just spend a moment or so thinking about things that your struggled with yesterday: it might be that you were impatient with everyone, or that you snapped at your partner, or that you were incapacitated by fear. Reflecting on the day before helps me to figure out what I need and want to change – how I want to grow. So I may end up with the intention: Today I will practice patience with every single person and situation that I encounter.
  2. I then write the practical intentions for the day such as making appointments, replying to emails, carving out exercise/work time, watering the garden etc. I place a little box by each intention, which I can check off as they are completed.

It’s that simple! So, give it a go!


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

