Scary Matcha Marshmallow Crispy Bites

Scary Matcha Marshmallow Crispy Treat

I wanted to create a fun treat for kids for Halloween. This was spurred by my fifteen year-old daughter’s comment that she wished I would sometimes cook unhealthy stuff. “What do you mean?” I said, defensively. “I cook tons of unhealthy stuff for you!” She explained that she means stuff like weird colored candy. “okaaaaay,” I said. “I’ve got something for you, but it’s still gonna be a bit healthy, however, you WILL love it.” She stated that she’d be the final judge of that, which is basically her throwing down the gauntlet.

So, I set to work, and came up with my Scary Matcha Marshmallow Crispy Bites. And by the way, she LOVES them. I’m sure the chocolate didn’t hurt, but she actually thought that the Matcha was delicious in this “format”!


2 tbsp vegan buttery stick (Earth Balance)

2 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp Jade Leaf Culinary Matcha powder

1 package Dandies marshmallows

4 cups puffed millet (or rice crispies)

6 ounces dark, unsweetened cooking chocolate (I like Lily’s Sweets)

3 tbsp of powdered sugar for the eyes


Heat the buttery sticks and coconut oil until melted.

Whisk in the Matcha powder

Add the marshmallows and stir until completely melted.

Stir in the puffed millet.

Grease a 9×9 inch baking tin. Press the mixture into the tin.

Leave to cool. Meanwhile, heat the chocolate over a double boiler until melted. I added 2 tbsp of water to thin it out a bit.

Cut the crispy marshmallow into rectangles, and dip a quarter into the chocolate for the hair. Set them on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.

Add the remaining chocolate to a plastic bag, and snip off a tiny corner. Be really careful because the choc might still be hot! I had to wrap the bag in a dish towel to be able to handle it!

Make lines for the mouth.

For the eyes: I mixed the powdered sugar with a little water to form a very thick paste. I then rolled tiny balls of paste and pressed them onto the treat as the eye ball. I added a dot of chocolate for the pupil. DONE AND DONE.

My daughter did suggest (after gobbling 4 of them), that I could also use raspberry jam as blood spewing out of his head, or something that resembled a brain spilling out – haven’t quite gotten around to that yet…but any ideas would be welcome!


Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.