I’m absolutely blown away by Surface Hair products. Funny, because no one I know has heard of them, and I can’t remember how they came onto my radar – I guess they are eco-friendly/natural products, but anyway, I’m very glad that they came my way because they are an unusually good natural hair brand, which stands up to the best high end (conventional) brands, on the market.

If you are looking for a specialized product  – either for damage, color, frizz etc, and you want to go with a salon-quality product, it’s hard to find one that doesn’t come with a chemical-laden ingredient list. Now, not all these chemicals are toxic, and some of them really help the product to perform well, but to find a line that actually makes a difference to hair damage, is a tall order.

I tried the Surface Trinity Line of strengthening products. My hair’s been through the wringer lately. I had a bad color experience, which actually led to a scary amount of breakage, so I’ve been nursing my hair back to health with the help of my wonderful new colorist, Jarret, and a plethora of products. Out of the ones I’ve recently tried, Surface Trinity is right up there near the top. This line consists of a shampoo, conditioner, tonic, protein repair, and protein cream. When used together, these products packs a bunch of protein and other strengthening ingredients just where they are needed. The really cool thing is that you would pay a fortune for a “protein” treatment in a salon, so much better to grab this set and DIY.

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