If you’ve never tried Revolution Organics, now’s your chance. We are giving away a set of the stunning Freedom Glow Beauty Balm (all three colors – worth over $100.00): Fresh Peach, True Rosy and Warm Golden bronze. For some guilt-free glam, leave us a comment here on the topic: “Green Revolution”
Comment #25 Diana won the Osea giveaway.
I feel like we are in a Green Revolution right this minute! Perhaps the most powerful bit is that we as citizens of whatever country we live in VOTE BY OUR CONSUPMTION. The beauty industry is hugely toxic! I choose to buy strictly non-toxic/organic products and encourage others to do the same. What is beautiful about life-threatening chemicals in your lipstick?!
The beauty of a “green revolution” is that it can take place on many levels. It can be an organized campaign or movement enlisting the support of many or it can be a solitary pledge to make changes in your own life. Whatever the scope of the ‘revolution’ all of the group and individual efforts combine beautifully toward a common goal.
These look like a great product to “brighten up” my face with color without yucky chemicals. Nothing would feel more beautiful than natural beauty! I would love, love, love to have these.
Joining the green revolution has been more of an evolution for me! Thanks to Gorgeously Green and my inner-hippiness, my family and I have made great progress…Sadly for me, I just can’t seem to throw out my lipstick from Lancome even though I know it’s terrible…This would provide the needed impetus to treat my lips to the Gorgeously-Green-Revolution!
My green revolution has been life changing. I’m using less, spending less and getting more accomplished. This applies to my house cleaning routine as much as my beauty routine. I was just pondering making a purchase of this lovely beauty balm. I really wanted to try it, but couldn’t decide on a shade. This would be a wonderful – make that revolutionary gift!
The “Green Revolution” is on and keeps growing with each green purchase and process we contribute to!
Do you realize that we are ALL soldiers in this “Green Revolution” and each one of us can make a difference?
I’m really excited that we’ll be able to look back one day and realize just how important our green actions are right now. Hopefully our big influence on the world.
The Green Revolution has already started and it’s widespread! From beauty products to our produce from personal choices to political policy decisions, we are realizing what we do today can change our world for the better in the future.
A lot of people think the Green Revolution is another ‘phase’ in American living, but I think it’s here to stay–People don’t realize that we NEED to go Green in order to save ourselves and our planet.
Thank you for this giveaway!
I’m new to the green revolution. In the last couple months I’ve read 5 books on going greeen. It’s amazing to me the way I lived before. I never realized how wasteful I was and how many toxic chemicals are in so many products that I would use.
In the last month, I have been recycling, using non toxic cleaning and hygiene products, eating organic foods.. and I feel great!!!
I am so glad I found the Gorgeously Green book at my library and with how helpful the book was.
The “Green Revolution” is an ongoing thing and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon. It has been really neat to see over the past couple of years the big change in companies going green and being more eco-friendly. It is only a matter of time that these green companies completely take over and all those popular brands that we all used to love, will finally step aside.
It’s so awesome and exciting to be able to see what new products us gorgeously green girls can use! Freedom glow beauty balm looks like a great way to warm up my cheeks in this cold winter wonderland! I can’t wait to try!
I think we are just at the beginning of a huge Green Revolution…cosmetics is only one small piece of the huge puzzle that is the world. It seems to me that cosmetics are going green faster than anything else! I can’t wait until we have this much selection of green clothes/accessories, home goods, and other life necessities!
I’m so proud to be a part of a green revolution!
A revolution is a change from one situation to another, to me the green revolution is about being thoughtful and creative. It’s about being unselfish and being willing to put in an effort. The green revolutionaries are people who are looking at what we have traditionally done saying “This doesn’t work” and finding alternatives that are better for the planet and all of us. It’s wonderful to see this revolution picking up steam!
It’s so awesome to see a “green revolution.” So many people stepping out to make “green” choices. If everyone to just make some small changes it would be a great revolution.
I think the green revolution is more of an evolution than a revolution.
I’ve been trying to go green with my cosmetics and skin care so I’d love to try these…I’m always trying to find things to try but worry about the expense if the product(s) don’t work for me….this would be a great way to try!
Green Revolution…Universal Green Evolution. That’s where it’s at.
Sometimes people take the “Green” thing a little too far but for the most part it is a good thing.
Hmm…I only knew of the agricultural Green Revolution
It’s good to know people are making this a personal cause