large_main_mixbowlsPreserve products totally rock. All of their fantastic products from razors to cooking bowls are made from recycled and discarded plastic. Our favorite Preserve product is this set of nesting mixing bowls in 2, 3 and 4 quart sizes. They have easy-grip handles and easy-pour spouts, so are perfect for making making everything from dressings to pancakes. They are also dishwasher safe and extremly durable. Enter a comment here about how you recycle. Hopefully you’ll win this set of gorgeous bowls!

The Winner of the Nvey Eco Giveaway is Comment #37 Shirley – KEEP CHECKING IN EVERYDAY FOR BIGGER AND BIGGER GIVEAWAYS!

27 thoughts on “PRESERVE GIVEAWAY”

  1. I do all of the regular recycling like cans, bottles, paper, etc. I try to reuse other items for crafts with my son. Although, my absolute favorite way is with my Preserve toothbrush subscriptions for my family! Even the little things make a huge impact!

  2. The key to recycling in our family is making is easy and accessible for everyone. We keep an extra small trash can for things that can be recycled next to the trash. When it’s full we take it to the garage and sort it. This has worked well for us because we don’t have a lot of extra space in the kitchen. There’s no right or wrong way – just find what works for your family.

  3. It just disgusts me how much extra waste there is this time of the year, so I try to do every little bit I can to recycle.

    I enjoy making all home-made gifts like soaps and cookies, to avoid packaging that gets thrown out.

    I wrap my gifts with magazines and newspaper from the year, or for special friends I purchase 100% recycled wrapping paper.

    After large festive meals my family makes soup with the leftover turkey, and many other tasty left-over lunches!

    and any gifts or goods my family receives that we don’t think we will use we pass along to those in need.

  4. I believe the key to recycling is consistency and having everyone involved. My son doesn’t get told to throw things away. He is told to put it next to the sink for recycling. Now he is getting old enough (five) that he asks if something is recyclable or not and which bin does it belong in.

  5. I have always strongly believed in recycling and would do it even though my family was opposed and didn’t recycle when they were kids (ie. my parents).
    I now try to only buy recyclable products and only use recyclable plastics otherwise I don’t use plastic unless there is no other choice.

  6. I am the ‘pusher’ in our house for recycling. We recycle every thing we can. Our city hosts a hazardous waste day for batteries, oil, and other things the regular recycle does not include. Also, our local store, Publix, takes back the plastic shopping bags and the styrofoam cushions for meats and eggs. I have a slew of canvas bags I use for groceries and keep them in the car so they are readily available.

  7. I have been known to get into heated arguments with my husband when he has dared to throw away anything that can be recycled. He finally learned that the best way to keep peace in the house is to abide! I am adamant about this. I refuse to buy eggs that come in styrofoam containers, and will not take out from restaurants that don’t use materials that can be recycled. I recycle everything I can, right down to the paper roll once the toilet paper is finished. I was so happy to discover that NY state happens to be one of only a few states that will take milk cartons and juice cartons, so they are now part of our recycling as well.

  8. I love perserve it awesome! I have thier tooth brushes and I am very happy.
    I check earth 911 for items that are not accepted with my normal curbside pick up.

  9. We recycle paper regularly in 2 different ways. One is the recycling bin. The 2nd is to print on the back of paper when possible or to re-use paper that has been printed on one side. I print less important items on the backs of old paper.

  10. Christine Collins

    Ironic that today’s topic is recycling.. today I had as yard sale, did pretty well in fact! After I packed up, I immediately took everything left over to the thrift store. It was pouring down rain when I was unloading my car, so in my haste, I accidently gave them a box I didn’t meant to. When I realized it and went back, I saw where they had dumped it along with 60% of my other stff in the dumpster.. I was furious! I couldn’t believe they were just throwing so much away… so what did miss recylce girl do, I dug it all out of the dumpster and took it back… I then drove to another thrift shop and gave it to them.. I just hope they don’t dump it too!!! However the long and short of this recycling story is, I am now inspired to somehow find a way for all of my (and others) gently used items to find thier way to a good home.. I am researching a co-op idea as we speak!! 🙂

  11. I have always recycled, but over the last year and half, I have increased my awareness and paid more attention to the amount of garbage in my household. We now recycle so much, that we are down to a single 13 gallon bag of garbage per week (sometimes lasts for 2). I have also began composting and trying to reuse as many materials as I can. It feels so good to be able to do a little each day to help the environment. My friends and family are starting to follow suit. 🙂

  12. In Hawaii we do not have progressive recycling like other bustling cities do so every little effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle makes a huge impact. I volunteer to pick up and drop off recyclables at 10 different schools. It makes me fool good and kids are learning a valuable lesson.

  13. In my kitchen I have my regular trash can and right next to it I have my recycling trash can. Since there is no recycling pick up at my house, my husband and I every week take our recycling trash can to Wal Mart and right in front of the store is recycling bins labeled for each category (paper, plastic, etc), so that is where we go to recycle. It can be a pain sometimes as we have a baby and the temps currently in Fairbanks, AK (where I live) have been around -10, so it isn’t exactly easy, but we do it because we know all the many benefits that happen when recycling. GO GREEN!!!!

  14. I recycle everything I possibly can and try to avoid buying any plastics, since it’s not a closed loop recycling system. With plastic containers, I’ll try to reuse them as much as I can before putting them in the recycle bin.

    Since I’m in graduate school right now we unfortunately use a lot of paper and have a lot to print out. I try to do everything electronically if I can and only print what I have to. I have a pile of paper at home that I use the backs to take notes on or use as wrapping paper and stuffing so that I reuse before I recycle them as well.

    If I can buy products that are already made from recyclable materials I’ll do that as well and then reuse and recycle those. What I really love is that there are a lot of pet products (ie. beds, clothes, leashes/collars) that are now made out of recyclable materials.

    Whatever I can do to reduce, then reuse I’ll do before I recycle it.

  15. I recycle paper (every little scrap possible), glass, plastics, cardboard in bins in my garage that I tote to the local drop-off. I’ve written letters to the city and our association about putting a recycle drop-off in our subdivision since we don’t have curbside and it would encourage people to do it more since it would be right in our neighborhood. I reuse everything that I safely can, only buy used books or even just check out from the library. I’m trying to find more and more ways to reduce as a way of “recycling” (or not having to at all)! And I LOVE baking so I would love these bowls 🙂

  16. I try to recycle every time I can I try to recycle everything I can I do lots of garage sales and flea markets feeling this is a form of recycling i think this is a wonderful site keep up the good work!

  17. To make recycling easier in my house we picked up an extra smaller recycle bin at target for upstairs. This is key for all the toilet roll inserts, packaging, tags, plastic wrapping from diapers, wipes etc (although we cloth diaper 80% of time). It makes life so much easier. Then we have two large ones in the garage which are always full with a family of five!

  18. Great to be informed about this recycling site…my family of 4 recycles in so many ways…we donate clothes to families in need, usually through our church, we recycle all paper, plastic, aluminum, glass, we have 1.25 acres and 2 gardens so we make awesome compost with all of our organic fruit & veggie peels & cores and we recycle card “fronts” from cards we receive…guess that is the major stuff but we all find it fun, challenging and rewarding to minimize our “waste.” Our rainwater barrels are always an amazing source of fresh, nutrient rich water for our potted plants and garden. Fun stuff : )

  19. I always recycle all paper, plastic, metal and glass things that I can. I also remind my family to do the same and tell them to put that piece of paper or that youghurt cup in the recycling and not the garbage. I also try to buy things with packaging that I can recycle. All of my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizer items etc. are in bottles that are recyclable.

  20. Being from Edmonton, our city allows us to do all of our receycling of cans, paper, cardboard, plastic and much much more from our door on garbage day. I am so proud to be from a city that is gunning for a goal of having 95% of our garbage be either recycled or re-used (i.e.compost) byt he year 2012.

  21. Ohhhhh I’m a baking addict, I could dirty all those fantastic bowls in no time! Under our sink is our recycling headquarters until it’s taken downstairs. We have our compost bucket, wire basket for paper products, and one large rubbermaid container for everything else. The trash is actually mounted inside one door and that is the slowest to fill.

  22. CRAFTSS!!! My kids love crafts and I have installed my eco-ways into their absorbant minds. We love sorting through our recyclables to find the next big project. I also love that our recycling bin is more filled than our garbage bins at the end of the week. Raising future enviornmentalists is so rewarding. 🙂

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