Osea Products Group ShotWe’re delighted to be able to give away a sumptuous gift basket of Osea skin care products (worth $80.00). We love this ever-so-natural, marine plant-based skin care line. The products are super-gentle and so perfect for sensitive and winter-ravaged skin.

Leave us a comment here about how you’re keeping yourself warm – especially if you’re in one of the regions that’s currently blanketed in snow!

Comment #15 Emily won the Pyrex giveaway.

43 thoughts on “OSEA GIVEAWAY”

  1. Here in the city of Chicago, it can be quite a hustle to keep warm! I try to conserve as much energy as I can; all I have to do to keep warm is snuggle up with a warm blanket, and snag a cup of hot cocoa. As I sip, I usually relax and enjoy an entertaining book.

  2. I keep myself warm with lots and lots of smackeroo kissers from my nine fabulous nephews and my adorable niece. That and the occasional hot chocolate!

  3. Just spent some time in Utah, and I have to say a nice cup of tea and a warm fire is a relaxing way to warm up after a day in the snow. A nice layer or two of thermals doesn’t hurt either!

  4. I’m keeping myself warm by being active and volunteering, going to the gym, cleaning house and spending time with my grandmother.

  5. Well, the snow is still falling here in Northeastern PA…and I am drinking a nice Hot Toddy before bed to keep me warm. That’s a cup of herbal chamomile tea with honey, lemon, and brandy…yummy! Thanks!

  6. keeping myself warm by staying on the go….I’ve got animals to care for, presents to wrap, plays to perform, songs to sing, goodies to bake and deliver (the oven is a great heater!), and surrounding myself with family!

  7. Keeping warm isn’t always the easiest thing to do when you live in Minnesota. However, with lots of blankets and an equal amount of cuddling, i can manage to keep warm through those cold winter nights.

  8. Since I’m going out of town tomorrow, I’m keeping myself warm by packing and cleaning up the house. But then I plan to snuggle up to my beau under a blanket and cuddle up with our cat and dog.

  9. I am keeping warm these chilly winter nights by snuggling up with in bed with my hubbie and reading a fabulous book I can’t put down. You forget you’re cold when your lost in a good book that takes place in a warm tropical place.

  10. My Great Pyrenees, who resembles a fluffy polar bear, keeps me plenty warm. But she doesn’t do much for my skin – these natural products would certainly take care of that.

  11. I am a fleece junkie indoors and out. When going outside in the cold canadian north I have thick fleece trousers that I love to wear. Fluffy slippers are a must for indoors as well.

  12. I’m staying warm by staying inside as much as possibe with a hot cup of tea and a cozy blanket and a book
    tmc480 at yahoo dot com

  13. Due to economic times and my husbands job loss we have been forced to keep the heat off this winter. Living in northern Mass it is a struggle, however, we are not completely ice blocks yet as we do have a woodstove in our basement. We are all down here now warming our bones and doing our various activities. I’m writing X’mas cards, my daughter is wrapping gifts while my other daughter is playing on the Wi. My husband, just in from shovelling show, is stoking the fire and settling in with a book. Sometimes hard times can bring families closer together and that warms me most of all!

  14. I am keeping myself warm this winter in -20 degrees (I live in AK) by using a warm mist humidifier, laying up around the house, drinking warm water, opening the oven door for a while after I have cooked something, and sometimes using the fireplace. I always snuggle up to my husband and baby boy too:)

  15. I’m staying warm by keeping active, riding my stationary bike & using my stairclimber. I try to keep the blood moving. During the winter all I really feel like doing is staying in bed, snug under the covers. The darkness & dreary weather certainly don’t help, so I force myself to get moving.

  16. I love my woodstove, I park myself by it with a good book and a cup of coffee. It’s especially nice with the snow falling outside and the Christmas tree lit up. It makes the zero degree weather almost worth it.

  17. Putting on LOTS of warm layers, especially socks and going outside to enjoy the fresh air. Oh and shovel.

    Followed by my favorite tea!

  18. We’ve got over 12″ of beautiful snow – and right now, after heading out to skate at Fenway, I am still wearing 2 under armour shirts, a sweater, long underwear, ski socks and warm running pants…..

  19. We got lucky and missed all the snow. I keep warm with a big mug of hot chocolate and my laptop.

    rjs682 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  20. Living in South Florida it isn’t very cold here – supposed to be 50 tomorrow morning after a cold front moved through. Only need to wear a sweater or jacket.

  21. With the hustle & bustle of Christmas time its so easy to stay warm. Wrapping, baking, decorating and laughing all the way. Plus a nice fleece and cockapoo at my feet always helps. Merry Christmas, and a Green New Years!

  22. We are keeping warm by wearing warmer clothes around the house, drinking tea & hot coco and at night all snuggling together (we have two boys). : )

  23. Snuggling with my kitties and hot tea keep me warm and toasty in the winter. Also, I bought footy pajamas. Seriously, best investment ever. At night I have my heater down to 50 degrees and I am still cozy!

  24. Christina Hingorani

    I am staying warm by turning up the Radio, using a spoon as a microphone and getting down to Christmas Songs with my kids! Feliz Navidad ya’ll!

  25. Every morning the big coat is put on and the feet are slipped into the wellington boots. The hat is placed over the head. The door is opened and the dog runs out first. The first footprint of snow is laid onto the blanket. A pattern follows all the way to chicken coop. The ladies are fed, loved and their daily gifts are collected. The wellington boots plod back and are slipped off at the door. The sound of bare feet come across the hardwood floor and a cup of tea is put on the bedside table. I awake from my bed, where I am keeping warm, and smile at my husband who I love.

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