spa_basket_M-01Pamper your pooch with Olive Green Dog products. They are awesome. The fur-spritzer is a must-have for Phoebe, the Gorgeously Green dog. Despite her utter perfection, she can get a bit on the whiffy side – so rather than whipping her off to the very expensive grooming salon, we spritz her with this spray and want to hug her up all day long!

Enter a comment here about “Greening your pooch”, and a lucky winner will recieve the Olive Green Dog Spa Set, which is choc full of ingredients that will help not harm your pet. Olive Green Dog is serious about helping you to take earth-friendly dog steps – one pampering product at a time!

The winner of the Preserve Bowls giveaway is Comment #16 Diana – Happy Baking!


  1. Because my dog has to count on me for most things, I try my best to provide green/organic whenever I can. I truly believe that it is as important for animals as it is for people. I would love try these olive green products…she deserves the best!

  2. I believe in living naturally, and my life does include my little pooch. I have a 3-year-old yorkie-poo named Mocha. She eats natural dog food fortified with Vitamin E and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. We also give her organic produce (apples and carrots are her fave!) and organic peanut butter as a treat. She could chew on her toys made from recycled organic cotton all day long! If she needs a bath, we only use shampoo with no parabens or sulfates just like I do for myself. We make sure our groomer uses the same on her. We also take Mocha to an animal healing center as apposed to a traditional vet, where they believe in homeopathic remedies and even acupuncture before conventional medicine. If we live green lives, why shouldn’t we provide the same for our furry friends? Thanks and happy holidays everyone!

  3. My last dog dies pretty young of cancer and before buying our recent dog I learned that it was most likely from the horrible dog food we were feeding him. With our new pup I did a lot of research and found some great all natural dog food and learn of some great organic natural food that he loves like cut up sweet potatoes and organic apples! He is so green and happy so far!

  4. Dogs have needs too, when an owner truely loves their dog, it becomes part of the family. We all want green, healthy families. Organic food to feed our children, non-toxic cleaning products to clean our homes, ect. Why not beautify our pooches in a envionmentally safe manor? Their little paws can make a difference too 🙂

  5. How about greening your horse?! My pony, Sunny, is my champion of green….grass! I love being as natural as possible with him with all his healthy feed and Natural Horsemanship training. I really need to upgrade the products I use on his coat.

  6. Our little rescued Westie, Fiona, has traded in life on the streets for life as a princess and our little girl! Since she’s a white dog, it’s important to keep her clean and smelling fresh between groomings. Unfortunately, she loves to run and chase chipmunks and tries to follow them, so she needs a little help keeping fresh. I wouldn’t use any products on her that I wouldn’t use myself, so I would love to try these “green” products on her and I know she would like it too!

  7. OliveR loves swimming in the sea, in the lake, and in the bathtub. He likes running in the field and flushing out the birds, also, which leaves him on the stinky side sometimes. He would definitely benefit from a smelly good spray that is beneficial for him and everyone in his environment.

  8. For the longest time my pooch Tuffy has itchy dry skin and would bring up his food at lest 5 times a week. I didn’t connect the dots until a month ago when I went vegetarian, and switched to all natural cleaning products. I have since changed Tuffy to a vegetarian diet along with homemade vegetarian doggie treats. Tuffy is no longer scratching at his dry skin and he is digesting all his food! All he needs now is a fabulously green spa set so he can be just as green as his momma!

  9. I recently discovered Stella and Chewy’s All Natural Carnivore Treats and my 2 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever is in love with them. They do not contain preservatives, dyes/colorings, or sugar and salt. Now that I’ve greenified Vincent’s diet I would love to do the same for his hygiene!

  10. After going to Green Festival in DC I found great free range meat treats for my dog Lincoln. He loves them! Oh he is an 8 yr old little mutt that I got from the Animal Welfare Association! Please adopt!
    Thank you!

  11. My two cattle dogs love to get dirty and roll in all kinds of wonderfully stinky things. My girl has sensitive skin so I try to only bathe when I HAVE to. The grooming spray looks perfect, more pet and environmentally friendly.

  12. My three dogs are living extemely natural now which is why they all need baths! Natural products like these would fit with how they like to live 😉

  13. My Momʻs pooch “Lupi” would be in heaven!! Then maybe my mother would believe me that going green in for everyone!! xo Happy happy holidays!

  14. its important to help your dog be green as much as you practice to be green because dogs can also have a big impact on the earth! These products would be perfect for my dashound Oscar!!

  15. A few years ago I was talking to the vet about our dog Rocky and how he would often throw up his food and of course just as you had cleaned the floor or shampoo’d the carpet. He then told me that this is really common as pet’s spend so much time on the floor and often lick the floor and harmful cleaners! Since then we have switched to pet and environmentally friendly cleaning products or sometimes just a dash of castille soap and EO’s and I cannot even remember the last time he has been sick. Poor guy, when I think of what the nasty stuff did to him I feel so guilty.

  16. My two dogs, whom I adore, both wear eco-friendly collars, one is made of hemp and the other out of recycled tire rubber. They love to play in parks, which is adorable, but gets them so dirty! I also use non-toxic eco-friendly cleaning products for the bathroom, so they don’t get harmed by fumes or get irritated skin when I bathe them. They would love the bath gift set!

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