Soup2Nuts3_200Today we are giving away the Soup-to-Nuts (pictured) lunch box from Citizen Pip This is our top pick in the our kid’s category for 2009. We’ve tried all kinds of waste-free lunch boxes and this is our favorite.  It’s also perfect for an adult too – this set comes loaded with great containers for a good-sized sandwich/salad, loads of little snack containers and a thermos for soup to warm you up (try the Gorgeously Green Vegetable Soup, which is a lunch in itself.  Enter a comment below on the topic “How Green is your lunch?” and you’ll hopefully win this awesome kit.

Alyssa Comment #47 won the Tilvee Prize today! FYI: The winner is picked by the company who donated the prize. Many of them have reported that they LOVE reading your comments – so even if you haven’t won yet, keep commenting away..

50 thoughts on “CITIZEN PIP GIVEAWAY”

  1. Great giveaway! My daughers’ school lunchboxes are dark green, using only reusables and cloth napkins, but we’re in dire need of new ones! I’ve been admiring Citzen Pip for a while, they have great stuff – I hope I win!

  2. I teach first grade and I have been carrying my lunch in a bag! I really need a waste-free lunch box and this one looks great! Help me to be green at lunch!!

  3. Is it selfish to say that I would use this myself? It is just too cute! How green is my lunch… well I am green two ways. My food is green. I buy local food and I carry with me Green Smoothies most of the day. I have to admit though…I am using plastic bags and really ugly mircowave containers for my grab and goes (what I carry around with me so I always have a healthy snack).

  4. I have 2 boys in grade school and one will only BRING his lunch…the other will take “hot” lunch once in a while. We have all kinds of beverage and plastic containers with our last name on them that are used day after day which limits our use of any plastic type wrap or sandwich bags. We freeze the Stonyfield Farms Yogurt sticks so they are still a somewhat frosty at lunch time…that is always a favorite!

  5. Another great giveaway! I try to make my lunch green by including as many local ingredients as possible. I also use reusable containers (Pyrex)…

  6. My kid is my husband who reuses the same plastic water bottle every day. Water bottles aren’t supposed to be reused but he likes them for his post workout shakes. He needs a little help staying healthy in a new and different way!

  7. Christine Collins

    My daughter would love this! So would I! Her lunch itself is green as we belong to an organic fruit and veggie weekly co-op, mmmm yummy food! But as for her lunch container, so-so green… this would be just the thing to keep her “green”!

  8. I green my lunch by making it as organic and veggie-based as possible. Very colorful! In an effort to reduce, I have been reusing my plastic bags and containers as many times as possible. The lunch bag itself is falling apart at the seams and leaking but still keeps stuff cool….that sounds so sad! I need a new cute bag please!

  9. I have been looking for a good thermos for a couple of weeks. I live in Wisconsin and it’s nice to have some hot soup for lunch. I think the greenest lunch is one you pack yourself. When you pack your own lunch you know exactly what you are eating, where it came from, you are in charge of the packaging, you save money, and you produce less waste!

  10. This is such a perfect item for my son. He loves to take his lunch to school but I have not been able to find the right lunch box/kit for him! I love the containers and thermos which is a must for a busy 2nd grader 🙂

  11. Michelle Rydzanich

    I’m trying to be greener by eating in more and not going out every day. I find that easier with pretty lunchboxes. I have two others. I even take pictures of my lunches and post them on flickr. This would be a great addition to my obsession (I mean collection).

  12. How green our lunch?
    1. We are raw fooders, so, we don’tuse any energy to cook our food, just slice, grind, mixit and eat it 🙂
    2. We buy only Organic and local at Whole foods Market (shop on weekend only – save gas!)
    3. I prepare the food by myself, we don’t buy any outside foods.
    4. I have sewn 2 lunch bag from old jeans and canvas for my hubby – one bigger and one smaller. He loves it!
    5. We reuse small plastic bags many times! My husband even built a custom plastic bag drier from fallen twigs and woods.
    6. When the season allows, we grow our own food – greens, tomatoes, cuces, herbs – the most local and organic possible!
    7. We always encourage others to follow our views regarding greening up and set a good example.

  13. This set looks perfect to take things to work with me. I always try to have healthy snacks on hand, and always end up using mismatched containers, so it would be great to have a nice set!!

  14. My daughter takes her lunch every day b/c she has Celiac Disease and cannot risk buying her lunch in the cafeteria. We have several reusable containers but also rely some on plastic baggies. I was dx’d after her, and since then we have become super aware of ingredients in our food which then led to becoming green. We are slowly changing our habits and I have been looking for better lunch alternatives to baggies. My daughter made student council this year and we were discussing ways she could improve their school yesterday and came up with the idea to try and host a “trash free day” at her school. This lunchbox would be great to help promote this idea of a trash-free day.

  15. I have soup for lunch almost every day. I heat it up in my favorite ceramic mug and use a spoon from my kitchen, no plastic. I suppose variety would be nice, but I often eat while I work and walk on my actual break instead. Soup is easy. Maybe a cool new lunch box can give me some inspiration.

  16. I try to be as green as possible with my lunch and my 3 kids lunch. We always use reusable containers for our food and snacks, reusable bottles for our water and juice and forks or spoons so we don’t make unnecessary trash with the plastic ones. No junk food allowed and at least one serving of vegetables and fruit. I do find that I have to replace them often though b/c my kids tend to misplace them.

  17. I try to keep mine green, but I still have a lot of plastic containers that I am trying to replace. This would be great.

  18. I was planning on getting my 5 year old daughter a lunch box for christmas. I send her lunch in a paper bag (which we try and reuse). She would be thrilled to have one and I would love that it is “green”.

  19. I’ve totally “greened” our lunches using cloth napkins, wrap mats etc. AND, in an effort to spread the word, for my son’s recent birthday at school, we gave all the kids a goody bag. My mom and I designed and sewed machine washable snack bags and filed them with toys. I included a note explaining how to reuse the bag for snacks. I got several happy “thank you”s and the teachers begged for their own. Now I have an easy teacher xmas gift. I call that a very green – win-win!!!

  20. I try to green my lunch as best as possible. I use recyclable containers and carry a reusable water bottle. The best thing too is that I will bring my own containers to restaurants when I get take out so that I don’t have to use their horrible, earth-killing styrofoam containers. It has made me quite a star at my local deli. They all see me coming and will shout “here she comes, no styrofoam for her.” That’s right! Be as green as you can be!!

  21. My kids (& me) would love this! they’re really into being green & have been learning alot about it at school, which is awesome. We recently made snack containers out of the bottoms of small plastic milk containers, a project that we found in Family Fun Magazine.

  22. As a stay at home mom it’s easy for me to have a green lunch. My husband’s on the other hand….not so much. This would be perfect to make him change his ways!

  23. These are perfectly sized for lunch. My children (and I) would love it. I brown bag my lunch every day. It saves the environment and some money so I am able to give back to my favorite charity.

  24. OH, I love this set. My kids always bring a no-waste lunchbox to school, but I just realized one of them is falling apart….he needs a new one….NOW.

  25. My lunch is completely green and has been for years. I carry it in a reusable bag, use a Klean Kanteen for my water or tea, use glass dishes for the food, and my own silverware. Would love to have a coordinating set for myself or for my husband who is a paper bag, plastic bag kind of lunch guy.

  26. My husband & I use glass containers w/ BPA free lids and silverware for our lunch. My 8th grade son uses reusable containers but I worry if there is lead in his lunch bag. Also, now that it’s winter, he would love to take homemade soup to school and these containers seem perfect! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  27. I have only a couple of the BPA free plastic containers that are small enough to fit in a child’s lunch box. One morning they were all dirty sitting in the dishwasher and I was in a big hurry to get everyone to school on time. So, while packing my 6 year old’s lunch, I lazily grabbed a Ziplock snack bag and started filling it with his cheddar bunnies. My son came running in shouting, “Stop mommy. Don’t use that bag! Be kind to Mother Earth.” I thanked him for reminding me, quickly washed the containers I had in the dishwasher and finished making his lunch. He was proud he saved the day and I was thrilled to see him growing up in the green generation.

  28. I try and make my lunch as “green” as possible by bringing fresh organic fruits and veggies in reusable containers. Some days though, I am a total slacker and have to resort to my company cafeteria which is the farthest from green anything can be! This lunch box set would totally prevent me from slacking!!!

  29. I love being green! (as long as its not green with envy;-) I love learning new ways to help our environment, health and the globe, implementing them and sharing with others via websites and blogs! We are getting a solar water heater, and a bonus or kick-back from the government by installing one and saving on home owners too!

  30. Being that it was just last year that I became an eco-convert, my first act of buisiness was an eco-lunch bag. I went simple with an organic canvas drawstring bag. BORINGG. Yes, it’s eco friendly but c’mon now, we can’t forget the GORGEOUSLY before the green! I’m not gonna lie it does make me feel good that I’m rolling with the organic bag, reusable containers, and organic food, but a Citizen Pip kit would make my green life more gogeous.

  31. Here are some of the ways I green my lunch:

    1. I buy most of my fruits and veggies in bulk.
    2. I use a reusable lunch kit and never brown-bag.
    3. I reuse my ziploc baggies and use plastic containers when I can(sometimes, you just can’t fit another container in your lunch kit!)
    4. I always bring my own lunch from home.
    5. I always use my spoons from home, never plastic spoons.
    6. I try to bring a reusable Sigg water bottle with my lunch.
    7. I try to buy things with less packaging.

    I know that I could use more eco- friendly containers and lunchkits, but I don’t know where to get them! your products would really help me!

  32. As much as I would enjoy using this lunchbox. I would love it even more if a school teacher got it! Either one on this comment site, or I would give it to one at my kids school! They deserve it!!

  33. good tips tara. i do lots of those but my stuff is kind of thrown together. a set would be awesome.

    i’m definitely buying my boss a reusable water bottle for xmas. he drinks out of plastic water bottles everyday. ugh!

  34. As the only leprechaun that has posted so far and a great friend of Kermit the frog, I must say that everything looks best in green. Though I would give this to my vegetarian daughter, in our community we are heavy recyclers and…who doesn’t eat left overs for lunch or whenever? I was raised that way… heck, I remember my mother washing the aluminum foil she used 40 years ago.

  35. Every evening i pack a lunch box for my very grown up fiance. Yes he’s a big boy now but i worry about him eating healthy, eating at all, and staying energized throughout his day as a dog walker.
    I’m frustrated every night at having to pack everything in PLASTIC as there are few “handy” alternatives, and we even use biodegradable poop bags for our dogs..i’ve yet to find something functional like that for my guy’s lunch bucket (and i don’t think the poop bags would make great sandwich bags believe me i’ve thought about it) To see today’s giveaway has me jumping up and down screaming “i can throw away the plastic!” so his lunches can be even healthier. what a GREAT giveaway that i know a certain eco friendly dog walker would sure appreciate. THANKS CITIZEN PIP!

  36. W ehad an easier time with healthy lunches when we were at home, but with the kiddies in school it is more challenging. Items like this make it easier to pack for kid’s health needs without junking up the kids or the planet.

  37. What a great lunchbox! We’re vegan and we pack healthy meals so we won’t go hungry or eat poorly when we’re away from home. This lunchbox has everything we need to make lunch fun and stop using plastic bags. Are those cloth napkins under the containers??? That’s freaking awesome!!!

  38. My lunch isn’t as green as it could be. I’m not comfortable using plastic containers because I don’t know what will be leached into my food, nor am I comfortable using plastic wrap or aluminum to wrap my sandwiches. My food is the only thing I feel comfortable about, but I wish the whole lunch, or “brown bag” experience could be more enjoyable for me.

    I do however have a reusable water container that is leach-free & I take my lunch as much as possible, though sometimes In-N-Out calls my name. :]

  39. My son will be starting school next fall and already my thoughts are turning to getting him the right gear. Not only does it need to be functional, but I want something that fits with my green sensibilities. This would definitely fit the bill. Thanks for this opportunity!

  40. I made your Veggie Soup from the GG Diet and it was a huge hit this evening…it would be a lunch possibility in that new set for sure…. ; )

  41. I think this lunch box is adorable and green. It would make me a proud grandma to award my little grandson with this as his first lunchbox and good for him also. I love it!!!

  42. This would be perfect for school. I would bring lunch more often if I had the right containers for it. Right now I have to buy lunch a lot but I try to buy healthy food from companies known for healthier items.

  43. I have a PVC reusuable bag I bring everyday, and I have a sandwich wrap. Sometimes I do use baggies, which I hate! 🙁 But I do reuse them as much as possible and also use glass containers when they fit.

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