3 Steps To Reduce Cellulite

3 Steps To Reduce Cellulite

I take a completely holistic view when it comes to dealing with cellulite. It’s a ridiculous notion to think that anyone cream can banish the stuff forever. There are 3 Steps To Reduce Cellulite, and to improve your skin tone. It’s a simple and inexpensive solution to a problem that over 95% of women face. Even skinny women have cellulite. It can be caused by hormonal fluctuations and just the way in which women store their normal body fat.

It’s all about improving circulation, and detoxifying. What is cellulite? Women’s bodies store fat in cylindrical-shaped structures with walls made of connective tissue called “septa.” The visual of a honeycomb is a good one. When these cylinders fill up with more fat cells and fluid, the fat is pushed to the top of the skin, which results in these bumps and lumps. The effect is that less blood circulates through these tissues and less lymph. Lymphatic drainage is key to removing the toxins in the fluids.

1. Dry Skin Brush: Use a long-handled natural bristle brush (I like Bass brushes from Wholefoods). Before getting into the shower, brush your skin, using long, upward strokes (always stroking up and in towards your heart.) This will increase lymphatic flow, as well as exfoliate dry skin cells.

2. Oil It Up:  After stepping out of the shower and drying off. Apply a detoxifying cellulite oil. I love Weleda’s Birch Cellulite Oil. You can make your own by filling a 4-ounce dark glass dropper bottle with:

4 tbsp sweet almond oil
2 tsp jojoba oil
20 drops lemon essential oil
25 drops grapefruit essential oil

3. Bellabaci Cup: This is genius. It’s a silicone suction cup, that literally sucks the skin, muscle, and fat cells up and moves them around. You suction it onto your skin (making sure your skin is oily,) and then begin to vigorously move it around.

To see a 20-30% reduction in cellulite, you need to do this regime at least 3-4 times per week. It really works! And click here to keep up with all my beauty and wellness tips!


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