Give Me Some Sugar

Natural Sugar
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Oh Wow – one of the biggest questions I get every day is about sugar! Or more specifically about sugar alternatives. So, I am going to make this really simple: Sugar is sugar – whether it’s honey, maple syrup or the much maligned Agave Nectar – to some extent it WILL spike your blood sugar, which has a negative effect on your entire physiology. Now – a tsp of raw honey or a little maple syrup isn’t really going to harm you unless your eat it multiple times a day, or unless of course you’re diabetic, but save it as a treat and try to keep your blood sugar levels nice and level throughout the day – you’re body will thank you for it. And if there’s one carrot to keep me away from sweets, it’s that I know (and I mean really know), that spiking my blood does me no favors in the anti-aging department.


BTW – the glycemic index of a sugar refers to how quickly it spikes your blood sugar. The slower the better, and the lower the number on the glycemic scale, the better.


So, what IS the best non-glycemic alternative?

1. Monk Fruit or Stevia: Monk fruit is obviously a fruit, and Stevia a plant. Both can have a slightly bitter aftertaste (Monk fruit less than Stevia), but both are non-glycemic and non-caloric. Beware though that both are 100 times sweeter than sugar, so you are training your taste buds to become accustomed to an unnatural sweetness. Years of this uber sweetness will mean that you won’t find a piece of juicy fruit sweet anymore – your taste buds will be looking for something stronger.

2. Yacon Syrup: Love this stuff, which is made from a Peruvian root, because it has a slightly sweet/nutty flavor. I like to bake with it, drizzle on oatmeal and even add to my tea. It contains a healthy sugar called FOS, which has numerous health benefits, and doesn’t spike your blood sugar. Do be aware that there are loads of low-quality yacon syrups, so make sure that you get one that has no additives. I like this one by Ojio, which I found at Whole Foods Market.

3. Lucuma Powder: This comes from a super fruit and is loaded with health benefits. It is great for baking, but do be aware that it is way less sweet than sugar, so don’t expect that sugary kick.

And remember my friends that the Gorgeous for Good 30-day program is sugar-free! And know that after 21 days your sugar cravings will completely disappear – promise!!


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

