5 Essential Money-Savers

Essential Money-Savers

It never ceases to amaze me how much money I can save when I’m trying to be a bit greener. A few basic household products have ended up saving me wads of cash. So without further ado – here are my favorite kitchen cash savers.

1.A set of Preserve recycled cups and flatware. I purchased a couple of sets 3 years ago and they’re still going strong. They’ve seen me through dozens of kid’s parties and have saved me buying disposable cups/plates etc
multiple times.

2. Skoy Cloths are for the Gorgeously Green girl who wants to give up or cut-down on paper towels. Each ridiculously absorbent Skoy cloth is the equivalent to 15 rolls of paper towel – so you’re seriously saving money (and a few trees,) by purchasing a set of my
favorite cloths.

3. Bag Dryer: I love my wooden bag dryer as it takes the fuss out of re-using plastic re-sealable freezer bags – now I get multiple uses from each bag, which saves me buying more.

4. Compost Crock: Love my crock. It’s adorable, sits on my counter and reminds me to compost all of my scraps. Saves money because I don’t use my waste disposal as often (heavy on water/energy), and I don’t have to buy any fertilizer for my back yard.

5. Faucet Aerator: This tiny little device, which you can find at any hardware store and is the same price as a pack of chewing gum, easily fits into your faucet and halves your water usage- since water rates are only going to rise, it makes sense to install these little guys now.

So making a little investment up front will soon pay for itself and save you cash in the long run. Let’s get things in perspective –  I’d rather spend my money on shoes than freezer bags and paper towels any day of the week!

8 thoughts on “5 Essential Money-Savers”

  1. These are all great ideas! I love Preserve. We send them all of #5 to recycle and they send us coupons! Win, win! I’ve been considering getting a Skoy cloth. I just dry my bags with the dishes inside out. Can the faucet aerators be put on all faucets, or just in the kitchen? Our shower faucet has been leaking the past couple days, so we just put a bucket under it and then use it to water the plants until it’s fixed!

  2. Crystal – you can absolutely put the aerators on all faucets and in your shower heads and you hardly notice any difference in the power of the shower.

  3. Hi Sophie, I know this is not related to reuseable cups, but I found a recipe for laundry deterg: is arm and hammer super washing soda and fels naptha bar soap safe? I checked EWG and could not find anything. Thanks for any info you have 🙂

  4. I keep a supply of organic cloth bar towels and use them instead of paper towels. I also bought some restaurant quality organic napkins, they were huge, I cut them into four napkins and then hemmed the edges, instead of paper napkins.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.