HU mineral

I was intrigued when I cam across a skin care and supplement product called HU mineral. The idea behind this product is that nowadays we don’t get the minerals that we need from our diets anymore. For the most part, the soil in which our food is grown (even with organic farming,) is depleted of the minerals that we need for optimum health. This makes absolute sense to me. It’s also vital to realize that we need minerals as much as we need vitamins.

The minerals that HU mineral deal with are HUMIC/FULVIC Acid Minerals, which are naturally occurring plant nutrient minerals (organic soil matter), found 40 feet below ground. In warmer climates, where rivers are frequently flooded, a thick layer of silt forms – this igneous rock is full of plant nutrients that feed the cell. Fulvic Acid contains major trace mineral elements. These minerals are a “SMART” mineral supplement because they allow and encourage storage of vitamins and minerals and overall bioavailability.

It seems smart to me to take a mineral liquid like this, that will help my body to absorb all the goodness it needs from the healthy foods that I try to feed myself with. The key with supplementation of any kind, is “how well are your supplements absorbed?” HU minerals come in different forms: powder capsules, liquids, and even a face spritz.

The facial spritz was the first thing I wanted to try because it contains over 70+ trace minerals. This seems like a more useful and potent facial spray than virtually anything on the market!  It contains silica, a potent and abundant mineral found in our body, and that is known to increase collagen, healthy skin, hair and teeth. It’s also said to be really good for lines, wrinkles, sunburn, spots, acne, rosacea, and insect bites.

So, I had a go with both the facial spritz and the liquid supplement. The supplement is a brown liquid that tastes of nothing really (maybe a tiny bit earthy). The spritz stayed in my fridge until is was nicely chilled, and then I spritzed it all over my face and chest. It felt wonderful, and my husband even commented (which he RARELY does,) on how great my skin was looking – had I been out in the sun (which I hadn’t,) because I was glowing. Hmmmm – I definitely be carrying on with both of these supplements. Makes sense, right? I’m simply feeding my organism as I would a plant – just watch me grow!

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