I’m a mega fan of fermented foods because they are so good for you. Every traditional culture has some kind of fermented food at its core, because it was a way of preserving foods way back when, when there were no fridges. Kefir, Miso, cheese, wine, beer and Sourdough culture are examples of fermented foods. But the thing I adore about fermented raw veggies, is that they are SO delicious.
I got sent a bunch of samples from Farmhouse Culture. They use lactic fermentation to preserve local, organic farm-fresh veggies. These raw superfoods contain a high amount of Vitamin C, and probiotic enzymes. The first thing I love about this brand is that the veggies come in easy-to-seal bags, which are very easy to keep in your fridge. I find that jars get kind of pushed to the back! They carry a variety of different combo’s – I think 6 in all. My favorite are the Horseradish Leek, and the Ginger Beet.
How to eat them? If you are a pickle girl, with an occasional hankering form that tart/crunchy/vinegary taste, you’ll probably want to fork it straight out of the bag, but here’s how I’m eating mine: I add a cup to a green salad, I add half a cup to an egg or tuna mayo, and I add generously to my veggie burger/bun set-up.
Oooh – just thinking about them is making my mouth water…