Farewell Vegan Nail Treatment from SPARITUAL

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If you’re anything like me, Covid-19 had far-reaching impacts. In this instance, I’m talking specifically about my nail care routine. It’s been months and months since I’ve been to a nail salon, and I’ve taken the opportunity to “reset” my nail health – cutting back on the manicures has made my cuticles and nails much stronger. But I didn’t do it alone – I found some incredible at-home nail care products to guide my journey. And top of my list is the Farewell Vegan Nail Treatment by SPARITUAL.

Shel Pink, the founder of SPARITUAL, has a personal philosophy I absolutely adore: slow beauty. As Shel explains, this is slowing down to return home to yourself is the path to enlightenment. Slow beauty rituals relax, awaken, nourish and help you return to a state of wholeness, and nothing embodies this ethos more than the Farewell Vegan Nail Treatment.

This product is designed to help your gorgeous nails, nail beds, cuticles and fingertips relax and reset. It is applied twice daily to hands and feet (thanks to a gorgeous dropper-style applicator cap to keep the product bacteria-free). Simply apply to the nail area you wish to treat and repeat as needed! Each use helps protect against ingrown nails, hangnails, and other nail concerns, as well as promoting clear, healthy, well-conditioned nails.

And the best part: it smells amazing. Tea tree, witch hazel, citrus, ginger, and apple fruit aromas come together for an energizing aroma experience I just cannot get enough of.

I was so surprised how Farewell Vegan Nail Treatment by SPARITUAL treated my ridged nails – Something I just assumed I needed to live with. And of course, my nail beds have never been healthier. I use this product daily as part of my nighttime self-care routine, and throughout the day as needed.

I cannot recommend it enough – it’s been a total nail care game-changer. To learn more, click here!